Tag Archives: Gay marriage

Same Sex Marriage at the Polls

This WILL be an historic year at the polls when it comes to the issue of same-sex marriage. The question remains, though, what will this year’s election, and the society voting in it, be remembered for? There four states with ballot items related to this issue: Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington.

I heard the following from a state legislator the other day. The pages who come from all over the state, brought in by elected members of both of our ruling parties, get together and do political and educational stuff. One thing they do is to vote on issues. Here are two things this legislator was told by these young, pr-voting age kids from across Minnesota:

1) We voted unanimously in favor of same sex marriage (against the proposed amendment to ban it constitutionally); and

2) We’re coming. If the conservatives want to ban same sex marriage, they better do it this year in the Constitution, because in a couple of years it will be impossible to pass such a law. Because we’re coming.

One way to help might be to click here.

And if you are in Minnesota, also click here.

Senator Peter Brunstetter = White Supremacy + Anti Gay Marriage

Or so we hear, from his wife.

Senator Brunstetter is a Republican in North Carolina. He introduced an anti-gay marriage amendment. He should have been more careful about having the little lady keep her mouth shut becuase … well …

There is a transcript here.

I am so confused. I have heat stroke. Do you have heat stroke? I have heat stroke.

Maryland Bill Passes Senate

The Maryland house recently passed their same-sex marriage bill, and now, moments ago, the Senate has done the same thing. Governer Martin O’Malley is expected to sign it.

Go Marry-Land!


Maryland would join the District and seven states in allowing same-sex marriages. Supporters have cast the bill as a major advance in equal rights. Opponents have called it a misguided attempt to redefine the institution of marriage.

Despite one of the largest Democratic majorities in any state legislature, backers of gay marriage in Maryland had to overcome fierce opposition from blocks of African American lawmakers and those with strong Catholic and evangelical views to cobble together coalitions big enough to pass both chambers.

Gays to Koch: “We are sorry for ruining marriage”

Amy Koch was the highly placed Minnesota legislator who recently resigned from her leadership post when it became clear that she was about to be, or was being, accused of/caught doing a staff member.

Koch issued an official statement yesterday about the situation:

Amy Koch apologized late this afternoon for “engaging in a relationship with a Senate staffer,” though she did not name the individual.

Koch declared in an official statement that she’s “made some mistakes and errors in judgment” and has “deep regret.” She apologized to constituents, the Republican party, fellow legislators, and her family.

“The events of recent days have been very difficult for me and those close to me,” Koch said.

Although Koch has not named the other person whom she was boinking, it is rumored that it was/is Michael Brodcorb.

Now, who really cares? This is between Amy her boyfriend, her husband, and anyone else who may or may not be involved/uninvolved. But, of course, we tend to make a big deal out of it when the person doing the extra-marital affairing is a Family Values Teabagging Republican Shit, as is the case here.

But really, is it Amy’s fault that her marriage is ruined? After all, marriage in general has been ruined by the gay people, right? Gay people have, generally speaking, ruined everything, including marriage, and other stuff too. So, of course Amy was unable to maintain her Family Values Marriage under those circumstances.

And, to their credit, Teh Gayz have apologized.

The gay and lesbian community of Minnesota has issued a letter of apology to recently resigned Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch for ruining the institution of marriage and causing her to stray from her husband and engage in an “inappropriate relationship.”

“On behalf of all gays and lesbians living in Minnesota, I would like to wholeheartedly apologize for our community’s successful efforts to threaten your traditional marriage,” reads the letter from John Medeiros. “We apologize that our selfish requests to marry those we love has cheapened and degraded traditional marriage so much that we caused you to stray from your own holy union for something more cheap and tawdry.”

Both Koch and her alleged boinkee Brodkorb campainged hard to get a constitutoinal emendment on the ballot so that Minnesota Voters can Trample Out the Gay by making it unconstitutional to even change the law to allow those gay people to marry. But, apparently, they did not campaign hard enough, too little too late, leaving the barn door open after the horse has flown the coop. And now, sadly, they had to pay. By fucking. And getting caught doing so.

Those Gay People are ruining it for everyone.

And now, the complete text of their letter: Continue reading Gays to Koch: “We are sorry for ruining marriage”