Tag Archives: Republicans

Latest Republican Strategy of Violence

Remember the election, when Republican political leaders such as Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh (The heart and brains of the party) and Michele Bachmann (whom I shall not attempt to define) encouraged their followers to be violent? Well, it is happening again, only this time in relation to opposing health care reform.

This sort of thing:

is being done as part of an organized effort by the Republican party.

This sort of thing is happening with greater frequency and greater severity every day. This is the legacy of John McCain and Dick Cheney.

Gov. Crist Pwned by White Supremacist using Hate Film

Jud Sü� is a 1940 Nazi anti-Semetic propaganda film that was widely loved in much of Europe, especially Germany (and also vilified and banned in various places). The production and showing of this film was a significant moment in the development of the widespread German hate of the Jewish People that facilitated a nearly successful attempt at their utter extermination.

In other words, Jud Sü� played a measurable role in the development of mid 20th century racism to the ultimate conclusion which racism, unfettered, always leads: Holocaust.

Continue reading Gov. Crist Pwned by White Supremacist using Hate Film

Michele Bachmann Out-Foxed?

Hmmmm. If you listen to the Fox people … the details … they actually do a pretty good job of making Michele Bachmann look foolish. But they are very excited to have her on the show.

Here are the FOX digs that I noticed:

  • Isn’t your claim about “Obama counties” getting more money bogus? (Answer …. evade! evade! evade!)
  • Only 10% of stimulus “3.0” is out on the street so how do you really know how it will work? Now tell us how it won’t work.
  • Snarking out on “faith based.”
  • Tell us how it really works with Acorn… (answer: Well, not really an issue there if you look like facts but I’ll keep lying about it anyway)
  • Your idea of auditing the Fed will ruin everything. (Answer: Whoa… hard to characterize how dumb that was.)

Did I miss anything?

(Hat tip DMB)