The blog, Crommunist Manefesto, which was one of my favorite blogs at, is now shut down. In the famous last words of blogger Crommunist: “My work here is done.” And, to be frank with you, I’m more than a little pissed off, because it isn’t, dammmit.
Crommunist has written extensively about race and racism. As an Afro-Canadian (is that what you call an “African American” who lives in Canadia?) he certainly has a perspective on race and racism in North America that is worth sharing. But, he has decided that he, and everyone else, has done enough; He seems to think that the “race problem” is solved, and the last Race Card has been dealt. I find it inexplicable, so inexplicable, that I can only show you his own words. Crommunist writes:
One of the things I’ve learned in my years is that there is a fine line between fighting racism and enhancing racism. So when an overt racist act happens, because some “white pride” shithead overtly expresses antipathy towards other, usually browner, groups, if we challenge them we are playing into their feelings of superiority and have essentially lost the argument. If we ignore them, then they are forced to go away, if not right way, then eventually.
Which, I suppose, is sometimes true. But as a general philosophy? As a guide to when to act, or indeed, engage in activism at all? I don’t think so. Speaking of activism (or lack thereof):
I didn’t go to the million hoodie march in Vancouver, held earlier this week, for the very reason that I refuse, from this point forward, to acknowledge overt acts of racism and instead I intend to use my own personal history that puts me in an advantageous position as a model for any of those who might use it as such.
Crommie closes his missive with the most remarkable statement, something Totally unexpected from him, at least by me:
So from this day forward, I am a man with no color. I do not recognize the color of others. Recognition of this irrelevant phenotypic difference between otherwise presumed-to-be-equal human beings is the problem, not the solution. I have no color, and nor do you.
WTF? Unbefuckinglievable.
Go see his final blog post, and for crap’s sake, please leave a comment telling Mr No Color what a clueless moron he is being.
Crommie’s ex blog is here.