Climate Change Action For Kids: The Tantrum That Saved The World

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The Tantrum That Saved the World* by Megan Herbert and Michael Mann is about a young girl who might be thought of as being on some sort of spectrum, but well at the rational end of the irrationality-rationality spectrum, who gets tired of the “bla bla bla” and forces the climate change issue. It sounds … Continue reading Climate Change Action For Kids: The Tantrum That Saved The World

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Climate Change: Flooding might triple in the mountains of Asia

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From a press release by the University of Geneva: The “Third Pole” of the Earth, the high mountain ranges of Asia, bears the largest number of glaciers outside the polar regions. A Sino-Swiss research team has revealed the dramatic increase in flood risk that could occur across Earth’s icy Third Pole in response to ongoing … Continue reading Climate Change: Flooding might triple in the mountains of Asia

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Cranky Uncle Gets Crankier: Climate Change in the Classroom and on the Smart Phone!

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A while back I reviewed Cranky Uncle vs Climate Change by Dr. John “Skeptical Science” Cook. Since then a lot has been happening on the Cranky Uncle front, and I thought I should catch you up. John, in cooperation with Facebook and Yale Climate Connection, has created the Facebook Climate Science Information Center. It is … Continue reading Cranky Uncle Gets Crankier: Climate Change in the Classroom and on the Smart Phone!

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Consensus in Climate Change Science

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This is an excellent video put together by consensus in science expert John Cook. John is the author of the excellent must-read book Cranky Uncle vs. Climate Change: How to Understand and Respond to Climate Science Deniers. I have always been interested in the concept of consensus, even before that word became centered in the … Continue reading Consensus in Climate Change Science

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Your Cranky Uncle vs Climate Change

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It is said that scientists are lousy at communication, lousy at telling everyone else about their science, in understandable and compelling terms. This is of course absurd. There are tens of millions of scientists, and dozens of them are really excellent communicators! Among the many sciences, there is a science of science communication. It overlaps, … Continue reading Your Cranky Uncle vs Climate Change

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Climate Change New Year’s Resolutions

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Inspired by a post at the Northeast Metro Climate Action Facebook page, here are some suggested New Year’s resolutions related to climate change. 1) Normalize climate concern. When a relative or friend smirks at the idea of buying electric, or scoffs at the link between climate change and severe weather events, don’t sheepishly demure. Correct … Continue reading Climate Change New Year’s Resolutions

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Climate Change Reading and Resources

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Dire Predictions: The Visual Guide to the Findings of the IPCC by Michael Mann summarizes the IPCC Report on climate change (scientific basis) in a clear and understandable way without sacrificing important detail and nuance. One test of the legitimacy of claims about scientific matters is time. Over time, if a proposal about how nature … Continue reading Climate Change Reading and Resources

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Our Changing Earth: New Climate Change Book

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Our Changing Earth: Why Climate Change Matters to Young People by Arjun Marwaha is a book for young people, about why climate change should matter to young people, and it is written by an actual young person! Marwaha is a high school junior from California, decorated for his excellent essay writing, who has a passion … Continue reading Our Changing Earth: New Climate Change Book

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Global Warming vs. Climate Change: Origin Myths

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I’ve heard again and again the story of how we used to call it “global warming” then we called it “climate change” for one reason or another. I have honored esteemed colleagues who have their beliefs about the origins and shifts of these terms, and in some cases, they even have some documentation of how … Continue reading Global Warming vs. Climate Change: Origin Myths

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How To Talk About Climate Change, Adam Adam

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Global warming is already upon us, but when was the last time you had a proper chat about it?? For Green Great Britain Week, ClimateAdam speaks to a climate communication expert (Steve) to take his conversation skills from amazing to brilliant. #CreatorsForChange twitter: facebook: instagram:

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Florence, Hurricanes and Climate Change

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It is never too soon to talk about human caused climate change in relation to hurricanes. This is a bed we made and we are now sleeping in it. Rather than yammering on and on about how a warmer atmosphere is a damper, but also more evaporation-inducing (and thus drying), and energetic atmosphere, and about … Continue reading Florence, Hurricanes and Climate Change

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