This is about birds in the Mohave desert. I covered it over on 10,000 Birds, where I write now and then.
In Search of Sungudogo by Greg Laden, now in
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Interesting read, GL! It’s approach is reasonable and
logical, although, I am not sure how humans contribute to
climatic cooling.
This is why it is important that states, wherever possible
create and maintain water sources for indigenous and
documented migrating birds.
Aves, are an important part of our “collective” environment,
both in the form of pleasure and a measure of a health or
unhealthy eco system.
Ok, lets start a rational debate.
Is it possible that the planet could suffer from AGW???
Yes, indeed it could.
Is it possible that the proponents of AGW could be wong?
I will let them answer dat question. Dear readers, there will be
no healthy debate because they are ruled only by mandates, fiats
and police power. After all, they did not even denounce their own kind,
whom wanted deniers charged and jailed. Nice jollyblokes, hey.
You have all heard the old adage, “it’s my way or the highway.”
” Dear readers, there will be no healthy debate because they are ruled only by mandates, fiats and police power. ”
What mandates? The mandates that dictate that we have to read your misrepresentation of other people, including ourselves?
What fiats? The authorization from V.Putin that people who want to discuss climate change will be relentlessly attacked by the likes of you?
What police power? Really, what police power??? What on Earth are you talking about???
You want to have a “healthy” debate? About what exactly? It is quite clear that the vast preponderence of evidence points to various levels of problems and disaster resulting from temperature and precipitation changes in different places. V.Putin, of course, will profit from more fossil fuel sales, as long as he can spew enough FUD into the debate to keep selling his foul products. And Russia, of course, is one of the biggest beneficiaries of polar warming, as more and more of its land becomes more easily habitable. And the United States, for sure, will be one of the biggest losers, as its southern lands become less and less habitable.
So what do you want to debate? Whether adding a million pounds or so of carbon dioxide per second to the air will cause the air to retain more heat due to the molecular symmetry of that molecule? I won’t debate that. Whether adding such a huge burden of acid gas to the air will lower the pH of the oceans with potential to completely change the productivity of the oceans? I won’t debate that. Whether V.Putin benefits when he authorizes climate change FUD? I won’t debate that.
Basically, I won’t debate with someone who has such a tenuous familiarity with the truth or civility. Especially if they are on a mission to deceive and distort for their own narrow, selfish benefit.
“So what do you want to debate?”
“Basically, I won’t debate with someone who has such a tenuous familiarity with the truth or civility. Especially if they are on a mission to deceive and distort for their own narrow, selfish benefit.”
Oh dear, stevep, ask and then answers his own question!!!
If you are so concerned about civility, you should address this issue
with K9 dean, the chief civility dean.
Thank you for your sincere effort, Speciousp.
Our county fair still has an opening for a climate jester.
“…. by the Russian government’s own reckoning, some 1.5 million tons of oil is spilled annually. That’s about 10 million barrels, or twice the amount oil spilled during the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. ”
Russia, with its aging oil infrastructure and weak environmental regulation, is a great example of the sort of Murka that Trump is heading towards.
Let’s face it. The fossil fuel apologists; the oil companies, Rusher, and the Republicans in general, are very good at undervaluing and despoiling the environment. And why shouldn’t they be? Their exploitation of the world’s resources presents the human race will all sorts of easy living that would not be possible without it. In the minds of the fossil fuelists, it appears that the Earth is here for them to exploit for short term gain, and human convenience and pleasure seems to be their justification.
Any species lost in the process is just so much road kill. Too bad. Tough luck. Sorry.
However, since we are interdependent with many different species on this planet, the attitude that nature is of little or no importance to humans is one of the biggest and most dangerous delusions imaginable.
Get to work high risk
Sam bru
Haan ji
Myoglobin vala question?
gobllin(2) exactly 1set of grandpas were co dominant
gobllin(3) genotype of both parents must be different