Muslim Advocates Demands Removal of Anti-Muslim Gun Shop Billboard Threatening AOC, Omar, Pressley & Tlaib

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A press release:

WASHINGTON, DC — The following is a statement issued today from Muslim Advocates Public Advocacy Director Scott Simpson calling on Cherokee Guns in Murphy, North Carolina and Allison Outdoor Advertising to take down a billboard that invites gun violence against Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib – most of whom have received credible assassination threats. Muslim Advocates is encouraging supporters to send emails to Allison Outdoor Advertising and Cherokee Guns asking them to take the billboard down immediately:

“This billboard puts the lives of these congresswomen in immediate danger and needs to be taken down right away. It labels the four women as harbingers of the apocalypse and then invites people to purchase guns ‘1 mile [ahead] on right.’

These women have already received multiple, credible death threats inspired by similar rhetoric and attacks. Someone has already been charged for an assassination threat against Congresswoman Omar where the suspect said ‘I’ll put a bullet in her fucking skull’ and the assassination attempt that wounded Congresswoman Gabby Giffords was only a few years ago.

Much of the media is irresponsibly downplaying this deeply concerning billboard as ‘mocking.’ This is not a joke and it’s not an insult. This is encouraging gun violence against elected officials.

This is also an anti-Muslim attack. The owners of Cherokee Guns have a Facebook post advertising a similar bumper sticker that is rife with disgusting anti-Muslim slurs including a reference to ‘Infidels for Trump’ and an invitation for patrons to ‘eat a piece of bacon’ to receive the sticker.

Food festivals and houses of worship are being shot up by white nationalists and this billboard invites more violence. Allison Outdoor Advertising must take the billboard down and Cherokee Guns must stop its dangerous, anti-Muslim attacks before the worst happens.”

Muslim Advocates is a national civil rights organization working in the courts, in the halls of power and in communities to halt bigotry in its tracks. We ensure that American Muslims have a seat at the table with expert representation so that all Americans may live free from hate and discrimination.

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90 thoughts on “Muslim Advocates Demands Removal of Anti-Muslim Gun Shop Billboard Threatening AOC, Omar, Pressley & Tlaib

  1. Until hate speech and incitement to violence are denied 1st A protection, rightwing nutters will carry on spewing poison into the public debate while wrapping themselves in the Constitution.

    1. The president who actively promotes racism and white supremacy crap (and defends nazis) isn’t worried about it, so why should people outside the government?

  2. This comes at a time when we are learning the FBI has just identified fringe conspiracy theories as a domestic terrorism threat. It discusses arrests we’ve known about, and some that hadn’t been known about. In particular, they named the QAnon clowns specifically.

    “The FBI assesses these conspiracy theories very likely will emerge, spread, and evolve in the modern information marketplace, occasionally driving both groups and individual extremists to carry out criminal or violent acts,” the document states. It also goes on to say the FBI believes conspiracy theory-driven extremists are likely to increase during the 2020 presidential election cycle.

    This isn’t to say the FBI under Trump has been doing a great job on domestic terrorism.

    In a contentious hearing last week before the Senate Judiciary Committee, FBI Director Christopher Wray faced criticism from Democrats who said the bureau was not focusing enough on white supremacist violence. “The term ‘white supremacist,’ ‘white nationalist’ is not included in your statement to the committee when you talk about threats to America,” Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill., said. “There is a reference to racism, which I think probably was meant to include that, but nothing more specific.”

    In response

    Wray told lawmakers the FBI had done away with separate categories for black identity extremists and white supremacists, and said the bureau was instead now focusing on “racially motivated” violence. But he added, “I will say that a majority of the domestic terrorism cases that we’ve investigated are motivated by some version of what you might call white supremacist violence.”

    Yeah, they did away with the distinctions because, in 2017, it was admitted that there was no evidence of or support for black identity extremists — it was simply a term the FBI used to distinguish incidents by race. (It will be interesting to see whether the resident right-wing racist troll rickA will chime in to lie and say antifa is a black terrorist group.)

    Instead, as the assistant director of counter terrorism told Congress this past May, the FBI currently

    “classifies domestic terrorism threats into four main categories: racially motivated violent extremism, anti-government/anti-authority extremism, animal rights/environmental extremism, and abortion extremism,” a term the bureau uses to classify both pro-choice and anti-abortion extremists.

    With all that — it’s doubtful that anything will be done about that sign: in practice nobody in that locality will care that business owning terrorists have put up that sign.
    I do find it a little amusing that the folks responsible tried to identify themselves: they are truly deplorable people.

    1. Don’t forget Obama!

      “New rules issued by the Obama administration under Executive Order 12333 will let the NSA—which collects information under that authority with little oversight, transparency, or concern for privacy—share the raw streams of communications it intercepts directly with agencies including the FBI, the DEA, and the Department of Homeland Security, according to a report today by the New York Times.

      That’s a huge and troubling shift in the way those intelligence agencies receive information collected by the NSA. Domestic agencies like the FBI are subject to more privacy protections, including warrant requirements. Previously, the NSA shared data with these agencies only after it had screened the data, filtering out unnecessary personal information, including about innocent people whose communications were swept up the NSA’s massive surveillance operations. ”

    1. After writing a “manifesto” that could be used as a transcript for Trump’s comments at one of his rallies.

  3. Greg says “This is encouraging gun violence against elected officials.”

    Greg is entitled to his opinion, but I disagree. In my opinion this is simply criticism (calling these four idiots) and so is simply free speech. If this goes to court, I suspect the billboard will not get taken down as inciting violence. The fact that a gun store paid for it is simply irrelevant. Would your opinion change if a liquor store paid for it? Or Trump?

    Another two mass shooting – truly awful and sad. I wish terrorists (politically motivated) and crazy people wouldn’t commit these crimes.

    But hate speech cannot be banned without changing the 1st amendment.
    Semi-automatic weapons cannot be banned without changing the 2nd amendment.

    Those are the facts on the ground. Pass all the laws you want – they will get struck down unless the constitution is changed.

    As I have said before, banning the gun show loophole (universal background checks) does not violate the 2nd amendment and could be passed. I recommend a stand alone bill, with just that one issue in it – and I think it would pass. The mistake being made over and over again is to load up multiple things which are not as popular (and unconstitutional), with the universal background check – so it goes down in flames.

    From what I have read and seen on tv so far today, the El Pasa shooter had a problem with illegal immigration. Obviously he had mental problems and committed death by cop to kill as many people as possible, to draw attention to his issue. That does make this a terrorist act (political) and also one done by a crazy person. I know nothing yet about what weapons were used, or how he obtained them, or if any proposed laws would have even stopped this act.

    In my opinion, the rhetoric is a real problem – from both sides. Trump drives the left crazy with his rhetoric and the left drives the right crazy with their rhetoric. But that is a consequence of free speech. All we can do is urge people to be careful with their rhetoric.

    Not every white person is a white nationalist or a nazi. I don’t know what set off the El Paso shooter – but calling someone who is against open borders a racist, is the kind of rhetoric which can piss someone off – which can cause bad things when a crazy person is pissed off.

    Some on the left like to label all white people as racist, and certainly all white republicans. This is not accurate and is not helpful. Ditto for sexist, anti-muslim and so forth. Speaking personally, calling a person who believes that sex is biologically based, and that XX cannot be surgically or chemically changed to XY (and visa versa) – a bigot – is not accurate. This sort of mass labeling is not accurate and it pisses people off. Some crazy people use mass shootings to both kill themselves and draw attention to whatever issue makes them angry.

    I have been reading and hearing a lot of commentary about Trumps rhetoric – but I haven’t heard anyone calling out the left’s rhetoric.

    Trump won the 2016 race by pushing back against unfair rhetoric (basket of deplorables). The sign Greg is calling out is “Signed, the Deplorables”. This sign is itself an example of pushing back on unfair labeling and name calling. Maybe if Hillary hadn’t called all of Trump’s voters deplorable she might have gotten more votes. Name calling and labeling (especially if perceived to be unfair) does have consequences. Sometimes even triggering crazy people to commit mass shootings.

    The right does it too – and it is not helpful. I wish both sides would tone it down – but that is just a wish. No laws can change the right of people to speak their mind or criticize congresspeople, even if they are women, minorities, socialists or muslim (or all 4).

    One thing I would like to point out is that calling someone who happens to be a minority an idiot is not racist or bigoted. Minorities are not immune from being an idiot just because they are a minority. Calling ALL Muslims idiots is racist or bigoted. People need to be more precise with their criticisms, in my opinion.

    Mislabeling and unfair name calling is part of the problem which is causing these mass shootings, in my opinion. Trump’s rhetoric is over the top. So is the media’s and the lefts. I wish the media and people being interviewed were more accurate. For example, Trump didn’t tell the squad to go back – he asked WHY don’t they go back, fix stuff and then come back and tell us how they fixed it. Trump didn’t say ALL mexican’s are rapists – he said some mexican’s are rapists. Trump didn’t actually say nazis are good people – he said something more nuanced than that. That sort of inaccuracy is a problem, in my opinion. I am sure talking heads and guests on the right are pissing off the progressives and the left with their own examples of inaccuracies. It is a problem for everybody and is a major factor in mass shootings (from the left like the congressional baseball game and from the right like El Paso). Again – that is just my opinion.

    So I think the rhetoric from both sides and the media could be toned down, and it would be healthy for the entire country. Just one person’s opinion.

    p.s. – to dean – antifa is a terrorist group, not a black terrorist group.

    1. “antifa is a terrorist group”

      No asshole, it is not. I know you are a hard core racist and hate people who aren’t white, but that doesn’t mean people who support their rights and believe they shouldn’t be harassed are terrorists. Neither does the fact that they oppose people you support (white nationalists, the KKK, neo-nazis, etc) make them terrorists. So fuck right off with your dishonest comment.

      Same for your stupid equating of “rhetoric from both sides”. That bit does identify you for the dishonest and bigoted shitpile you are, but you’ve done that so often we don’t need the reinforcement.

      “Not every white person is a white nationalist or a nazi. I don’t know what set off the El Paso shooter – but calling someone who is against open borders a racist, is the kind of rhetoric which can piss someone off – which can cause bad things when a crazy person is pissed off.”

      You don’t know? He repeats the lies that your president tells at every rally and a huge number of tweets, and you don’t know? This is one of your most blatant lies. (And yes, when you express opinions like yours and the the rest of the modern right, and then try to behind the myth of rampant crime brought by immigration to push the boogeyman of open borders: you are a racist (and a liar, and just an awful person.)

      “Obviously he had mental problems and committed death by cop ”

      Uh, the El Paso shooter wasn’t killed. The fact that you don’t know that pretty amply demonstrates why nothing you say should ever be taken at face value — but again, we already knew that.

      “Again – that is just my opinion.”

      Which, as we’ve seen in every post by you, whether about science or social issues, is your way of saying “I know my comments are pure bullshit, but this will cover my ass.”

      Oh — and in case anyone other than blatantly racist and dishonest rickA thinks I’m being too harsh: notice this bit of slime paid lip service to the victims then went on to defend the right and the people who support this level of violence, who defend nazis, etc.

    2. Another rightwing terrorist murder and still RickA is trying to pretend that ‘both sides’ are equally responsible.

      The same filthy lie peddled by DT in his unforgivable ‘very fine people’ remark and done for the same reason – tacit endorsement of racist, rightwing terrorist violence against American citizens.

      And Ricky’s back with the lie about Antifa again.

      Remember when I showed you that by far the greatest terrorist threat in the USA was white extremists? And you refused to disavow said white extremist terrorism or admit that you had lied about antifa?

      I remember it. So does everyone else here.

      You are on fucking thin ice, imo.

    3. Greg says “This is encouraging gun violence against elected officials.”

      Greg is entitled to his opinion, but I disagree. In my opinion this is simply criticism (calling these four idiots) and so is simply free speech. If this goes to court, I suspect the billboard will not get taken down as inciting violence. The fact that a gun store paid for it is simply irrelevant.

      Just as I said above – first comment on the thread:

      “Until hate speech and incitement to violence are denied 1st A protection, rightwing nutters will carry on spewing poison into the public debate while wrapping themselves in the Constitution.”

      Thanks for the demo, RickA.

      You can pretend it wasn’t a long, shrill blast on the dogwhistle until your arse falls off, but nobody is fooled. It’s still a dogwhistle and you are exposed (yet again) as tacitly supporting the murderous white supremacist tendency in the US.

    4. Semi-automatic weapons cannot be banned without changing the 2nd amendment.

      You keep repeating this lie.

      Bans on classes of firearm already exist with no change to the 2nd A – eg. full auto fire is banned. Therefore banning assault rifles can be done without any change to the Constitution. So stop fucking lying about it.

      I know nothing yet about what weapons were used

      He used an assault rifle, of course, the tool of choice of American mass murderers. There’s CCTV. It’s an AK-alike with a 30 or 40 round banana clip.

      These are battlefield weapons and unless or until they are banned, the real American carnage will just keep getting worse and worse.

      Partisan idiots like you, RickA, who work against such a ban, have blood on your hands.

    5. RickA again:

      In my opinion…

      Which isn’t worth a dogs fart as has been well established.

      But hate speech cannot be banned without changing the 1st amendment.
      Semi-automatic weapons cannot be banned without changing the 2nd amendment.


      Yes, such a response from you has already been forecast, your seemingly hard-wired illogic made such a forecast only to easy.

      As I have said before…

      Only too often.

      Trump drives the left crazy with his rhetoric …

      You have that arsy-versy as is clear from such a shooting that Trump drives the mentally challenged crazy enough to go out on target practice using real life humans.

      The problem is that many societal ills, have created mentally unstable inadequately educated loners, sometimes economically deprived, who are often easily lead by Trumpian rhetoric into acts of violence.

      One such societal issue is the level of toxins in the form of endocrine disruptor etc. that inhibit or distort foetal development creating a person incapable of correctly parsing language and/or creating a sensible world view by being able to sift information, recognise propaganda and thus avoid that latter’s message.

      Two books to illustrate where I am coming from:

      Our Stolen Future: Are We Threatening Our Fertility, Intelligence, and Survival?–A Scientific Detective Story

      Y Descent of Men: The Descent of Men

    6. “Trump won the 2016 race by pushing back against unfair rhetoric (basket of deplorables).”

      Nope, not unfair at all, and not, as the years since his election have shown. Hell, the entire tea bag gig was a paid collection of racists who were upset about the fact that the nation dared to elect a president that wasn’t white.

      it’s almost astounding at how universally dishonest you are.

  4. dean doesn’t think antifa is a terrorist group. I disagree. It is my opinion that antifa is a terrorist group. They advocate violence and they wear masks. They are just as terrorist as the KKK, in my opinion.

    Thank you for pointing out the El Paso shooter wasn’t killed. So it was attempted death by cop. I stand corrected.

    BBD – I didn’t say antifa was the greatest terrorist threat, or make any claim of magnitude. dean asked and I answered – I think antifa is A terrorist group.

    Also, my opinion about banning assault weapons is not a lie – it is my opinion. As I have pointed out before, the prior ban was not challenged in court. If a new ban were legislated, it would be challenged in our current hyper-partisan era – and the courts would strike it down (in my opinion). It is my opinion that to ban weapons, the 2nd amendment has to be changed. You are free to disagree with my opinion – but my opinion is not a lie. We disagree about each of our predictions of a future event (what the Supreme Court will do with a potential assault rifle ban). At the most, my prediction of this future event could turn out to be wrong. It cannot be a lie. Your rhetoric needs to be more accurate.

    I think both BBD and dean could stand to improve their rhetoric. Just my personal opinion, of course.

    1. I think both BBD and dean could stand to improve their rhetoric. Just my personal opinion, of course.

      Stop wriggling about. You have played the ‘very fine people’ card and got nailed for it. You have lied emphatically (“cannot be banned”) – again – about the necessity for a change in the 2nd A to ban assault rifles and got nailed for it. You have lied – again – about antifa being a terrorist group and got nailed for it.

      And once again, you have failed to disavow murderous rightwing racist terrorism or admit that it is – by far – the largest terrorist threat in the USA today.

      You are the one tacitly endorsing racist terrorism in the US. You are the one refusing to get behind a ban on assault rifles. You are the one with blood on your hands by association.

      Don’t try and make it about us.

    2. “I disagree. It is my opinion that antifa is a terrorist group. They advocate violence and they wear masks. They are just as terrorist as the KKK, in my opinion.”

      Repeating that lie doesn’t make it a fact. Neither does repeating the lie that they advocate violence.

      Again, the fact that you didn’t even know that the trump supporter who killed 20 people in El Paso was still alive shows that you weren’t even bothered to do a minimum of checking on the story. Typical for someone to whom facts don’t matter — someone like you.

  5. Panama City Beach, May 9, 2019, trump rally of racists and other scum supporters:

    Trump to crowd: “How do you stop these people from crossing the border?”

    Attendee: “Shoot them!”

    Trump, laughing and applauding: “That’s only in the panhandle can you get away with that. Only in the panhandle.”

    That’s the type of racist banter rickA doesn’t have a problem with — again, because the people targeted by the violence aren’t white. Meanwhile, he makes up the “antifa are terrorists” crap.

  6. It seems someone has been going through Trump’s Twitter history and trying to delete all of the tweets where he referred to “Mexican invasion” (or similar language). That will take a lot of time, since his racist outbursts are almost continuous. Also — since his own DOJ said that his tweets are part of the official statements of the President, technically deleting them violates the Presidential Records Act. Since the Republicans in charge are not big fans of the law, nothing will happen, but still..

    Also: Facebook’s ad archive show that since May 2018 the scumbag in chief has run more than 2200 ads using combinations of the words Mexican, invasion, and immigration.

    Again — no wonder the El Paso shooter felt it was fine to do what he did — he was just carrying out what the republicans want.

    1. Dear God. So now the filthy, lying, blood-smeared tyrant is trying to expunge the record of his own hate-mongering.

      Gaslight the People, again.

      And nothing will be done, and he will get away with it, again.

  7. There is a bit of good news this morning. According to their blog, Cloudflare has removed 8chann from their services. I have no doubt some provider with no scruples (the business version of rickA) will pick up 8chann, but still.

  8. Trump’s little “speech” this morning was a clever use of passive voice to distract from the lack of commitment on his part. It was pretty clear he didn’t want to say, and didn’t believe, any of what he said. It’s quite likely someone convinced him that not saying anything would be a negative PR hit.

    And mental illness? Video games? What jackass thinks those are in any way major issues in this?

    1. This:

      Naturally, there may yet come a time in our nation’s future when the very federal government we have established becomes a purveyor of the same forces of prejudice and tyranny we sought to eradicate. In such a situation, it is our hope that the citizens of this country will use their collective strength to fight such evils and protect the oppressed among them, or, alternatively, to be misdirected by the violent rhetoric of the country’s plutocratic ruling party and its mass media apparatus into firing deadly weapons indiscriminately into crowds of innocent people trying to go about their day.

      The fact that the US is as close as it’s ever been to tyrannical dictatorship and yet the “armed militia” are in lock-step with the despots, shows how useless and anachronistic is the 2nd Amendment…

  9. I see the Dayton Ohio mass shooter supported the terrorist group antifa. I also saw that the El Paso shooter, in addition to having an issue with immigration, also had some environmental issues and issues with the number of people on the planet. So he was also an eco-terrorist in addition to being a race-based terrorist. The right has its share of crazies, but so does the left. Don’t kid yourself – crazy people come from all of the different political views.

    It is very very hard to stop crazy suicidal mass killers. Even if an assault rifle ban were signed into law (and not struck down by the courts – which it would be) – suicidal mass killers would not be stopped. In fact, a rifle ban would cause suicidal crazy mass killers to ramp up attacks sharply (just my prediction based on how I think crazy people would respond to such a law in today’s political environment).

    Pretty tough problem to solve. Personally, I don’t think banning speech is the way to go. Nor do I think banning guns is the way to go. Since these crazies usually inkle their plans on-line, I guess we citizens are just going to have to be hyper-vigilant and report when we see red flags on-line. Although red flag laws are sure to be abused, they could also be properly applied and maybe prevent some of these tragedies. Yes – I am afraid the real problem is crazy people – not guns.

    1. Once again the chief asshole defending racists, nazis, etc., rickA, shows his ignorance and vile nature.

      The “antifa supporter” bit for the Dayton scumbag isn’t true. That association is a common deflection by the right whenever one of theirs does something like this. For the shooter in dayton the lie spread because of a single tweet he made, referencing antifa. However, nowhere in his tweets, or other items so far brought out, has there been any other mention of them, any discussion of their activities or statements, any mention of support, all of which is odd for a “supporter”, since Dayton has a lot of cases of antifa helping to point out right wing threats.

      The lie was repeated against the El Paso shooter too, although there it was more clearly people of your ilk trying to deflect the fact that his comments in his manifesto were made up of trump-backing statements. The right circulated a fake screen they alleged was his profile on the social reputation website MyLife. They claimed that “liberals” had doctored his profile to change it from Democrat (sic) to Republican. It quickly came out that he had never been on Mylife. They further claimed the El Paso shooter was linked to “an antifa planned terror campaign and siege of El Paso, Texas in an attempt to raise awareness of alleged abuses at the U.S.-Mexico border.” That bit of bullshit came from the dailycaller (probably your main source of information, since it’s designed for racists and liars). The right’s lie about the “military tour” was quickly exposed when one organizer told the National Observer that it was intended to be a series of nonviolent actions to raise awareness of human rights violations at the border. “Nowhere do we say that we’re antifa or part of antifa,” she said. “We never even said anything about fascism.”

      And then, of course, there is the point that the only people who assert the antifa movement is a terrorist organization are

      – racists
      – white supremacists
      – people who have no problem with nazis or white nationalists
      – people who think non-whites should never have legal or any other kind of protection
      – are just, in general, scum

      If there were room here to draw a 5 set Venn diagram of those characteristics rickA, you’d be at the intersection.

    2. Also — did we miss the time the shooter in El Paso killed people not in the environmental movement, or wrote screeds describing them as invaders, the way he and the president did for immigrants?

      Thought not. Asshole.

  10. dean:

    You engage in hate speech and name calling.

    You are part of the problem.

    You should really think about dialing back your rhetoric.

    1. If you don’t want to be identified as a right-wing liar, bigot, racist, etc. — stop being a member of those groups. The fact that your racist feelings are hurt (or that you claim that it’s offensive) doesn’t matter at all buttercup.

    2. dean:

      You have the right to engage in hate speech and name calling.

      This is America after all.

      It is just that it isn’t helping, and is part of the problem.

      I am asking you to think about dialing the rhetoric back.

      Just think about it.

    3. No, RickA, YOU are part of the problem.

      You who lie about antifa being a terrorist group while refusing to acknowledge the fact that white extremists are *far* more dangerous to US citizens. As we have just seen, again.

      You who take an obstructivist stance on banning the American mass-murderer’s tool of choice, the assault rifle.

      You who refuse to acknowledge, let alone condemn, Trump’s pre-eminent role in ratcheting up the race hate in the US for electoral gain, in the process triggering an escalating trend of violent crime and murder by the far right.

      So how about you dial back the rhetoric instead of trying to pretend that we are the problem?

      It is very very hard to stop crazy suicidal mass killers.

      Let’s put this vicious little lie to bed forever, shall we?

      The assault rifle is a force multiplier for crazed killers. Imaging giving them only a knife or a baseball bat instead. Or a single-shot rifle.

      This fucking incessant dishonesty about the role of assault weapons in rightwing terrorism and other mass killings of US citizens has gone on long enough.

    4. “You have the right to engage in hate speech and name calling.”

      Dense one: giving an accurate description of you, or any racist/neo Nazi/scum in any other way that supports trump and has no issue at all with the policies coming from the office he’s contaminating is neither hate speech nor name calling.

      As stated multiple times: if you don’t like being identified for what your actions tells us you are, change yourself.

    1. Yup, I am. Your gullibility and dishonesty are on prime display. No antifa activity, no participation — they don’t lead to the conclusion of “support”: more data will be needed.
      Nobody is disputing the fact that he was a terrible person who did a terrible thing.

      On the other hand, the fact that you went out of your way to bring up unrelated aspects about the El Paso shooter, in simply an attempt to imply that his racist comments and views (that align with yours and trump’s) had no role in his actions, pretty much cements what you are.

  11. “Former high school classmates said that he had a “hit list” of people he wanted to kill or rape. He was in a “pornogrind” band with extremely graphic, violent lyrics. And authorities searching his family home found writings that expressed an interest in killing people, two law enforcement sources told CNN.”

    That is not the stand or demeanor of a liberal, progressive, or leftish person. It is, if anything, very Donald Trump like, but probably mostly not political.

    1. Greg:

      Your own biases are showing. Are you telling me that leftish people cannot be rapists or killers? Come on – that is very tribal of you. If a crazy person turns out to be conservative – so be it. If a crazy person turns out to be liberal – so be it. It is what it is.

    2. It is what it is.

      In this case, a lie spread rapidly by contemptible rightwingers attempting to divert attention from the fact that one of their own, in an excess of enthusiasm inspired by Presidential rhetoric, just killed 22 American citizens and wounded many more.

      And here you are, as always, defending the utterly indefensible.

  12. If you don’t want to be identified as a right-wing liar, bigot, racist, etc. — stop being a member of those groups. The fact that your racist feelings are hurt (or that you claim that it’s offensive) doesn’t matter at all buttercup.

  13. “Are you telling me that leftish people cannot be rapists or killers?”

    We can add “rickA is incapable of reading for comprehension” to the list of his flaws.

  14. Gee, trump asks for flags to be at half staff until 8/8.

    At least there isn’t any link between 8 8 and the racist movem- wait. Crap.

    Well, at least there isn’t any link between 8/8 and a notable historical event. (Looks at calendar for 1925.) Oh for fucks sake.

  15. RickA, please tell us all how many of the last 50 mass shootings in the United States were carried out by people with left-leaning views or people on the right.

    The ratio is 50:0. Mass shootings are pretty well restricted to right wingnuts. Statistically, it is a slam dunk. P < 0.000001. You can’t dig your way out of the truth. And speaking of domestic terrorist groups, how would you classify the NRA?

    What you need to stop doing is what your abominable POTUS keeps doing: saying that there are good and bad people on both sides. This is a blatant oversimplification. It masks the true depravity of many people with extreme right wing views in the U.S.

    As for the billboard, to hell with free speech. It is vile, vulgar, racist hate speech. It has the same kind of effect on some right wingnuts as the hate-filled abhorrent speeches that Trump gives at his pseudo-fascist rallies. It gives the green light for right wing crazies to go on shooting sprees.

    1. Jeffh:

      Don’t know. But the Dayton Ohio shooter was a left-leaning person. So that is 50% of the last 2 mass shootings. I would have to do more research on the other 48.

      As for the NRA – do they advocate violence and wear masks (like Antifa). The NRA is no more a terrorist group because they support the 2nd amendment than the ACLU is for supporting the 1st amendment.

      As for the billboard – why do you think it is hate speech. Calling 4 idiots idiots is rude – but what makes it hate speech? I think you need to fine tune your definition of hate speech.

    2. Jeffh,

      In what way were the San Bernadino or Pulse Nightclub shootings “right wing”?

  16. “wear masks (like Antifa)”

    Working hard to be liar/dishonest shit of the year aren’t you? Again: the fact that they oppose the people you support does not make them terrorists: it makes them better people than you’ll ever be.

    1. Shocked, shocked that two papers known for their right wing slant paint things that way.

      Not shocked that you are stupid enough to think that a community trying to pass laws like those mean antifa is a terrorist organization.

      We get it. You’re a racist. You don’t like people opposing right wing vigilantes and terrorists – those are the people you identify with. You still haven’t made a point to support your stance with data.

  17. White supremacist Paul Krugman helps encourage violence against Mexican immigrants by telling disaffected working class whites that immigrants cause low wages.

    When will something be done to close down racist hate sites like the New York TImes?

    “Because Mexican immigrants have much less education than the average U.S. worker, they increase the supply of less-skilled labor, driving down the wages of the worst-paid Americans.”

  18. Vicious racist Paul Krugman sneers that Mexican immigrants can never become Silicon Valley engineers.

    “You could argue that, say, South Asian engineers who move to Silicon Valley add to the dynamism of the region, generating benefits much larger than their wages. (Economists know that I’m talking about “positive externalities.”) But that’s not an argument you can easily make about Mexican migrants who haven’t completed high school.”

    When will progressives finally stand up and admit the stain of racism that poisons their movement all the way back to Woodrow Wilson?

  19. Washington Post on Trump’s election,

    “He did, however, perform better than Romney among blacks, Latinos and Asian Americans, making it difficult to claim that racial resentment was the dominant factor explaining Trump’s support …”

    But apparently that simple observation has yet to penetrate the low-IQ hivemind that is

  20. RickA, you are ignoring the obvious. The Ohio shooter had no political motive whatsoever. He was a simply deranged individual and hated many at his school. By contrast, the El Paso shooter, and indeed the vast majority of mass shootings carried out by deranged individuals in the U.S. with clear political motives, involve people who exhibit a hatred for government, and who are racist, and homophobic. The pattern is unambiguously clear. Extreme xenophobia, nationalism and unrepentent violence describes right wing extremists perfectly. Over here in Europe, it is not left wing protesters that are a threat to peace and social order but the jack-boot wearing neo nazis and nationalists that are feeding from the trough of right wing nationalism being fed to them by populist politicians like Farage, Johnsen, Le Pen, and Wilders. Trump is supplying his base with the same repugnant cocktail of hatred and bigotry. That you support him and his regime says everything I need to know about you.

    As an aside, political opinions you view as ‘left’ would be seen as center-right over here. This shows you how right wing your views are.

    1. Jeffh:

      You said it was 50 to 0 and I pointed out that it was 1:1 for the last two. Now you seem to be moving the goalposts a bit. But that is ok – you are entitled to your opinions. You can think what you like about right wing extremists and I can think what I like about left wing extremists (well in America you and I can anyway – I am not sure about Europe).

  21. One thing stands out in all of RickA’s pronouncements. Conservative ideology is never wrong, it’s never at fault, it’s never the cause for economic inequity or environmental degradation or human rights abuses. It’s not responsible for ignoring and misinterpreting science and objective fact.

    It’s always someone else’s fault, and never that of right-wing radicals who believe in sky fairies and cornucopian fantasies of reality.

    1. Just like a no-deal Brexit is supposedly not the fault of lunatic intransigence by hard right Brexiteers making impossible demands. With face-melting cynicism, these dishonest muppets are blaming the EU.

      It ought to be funny, but just like RickA’s desperate attempt to divert attention from the fact that the El Paso shooter was yet another rightwing terrorist with an assault rifle, it isn’t.

    2. Interesting comment. Could you give me an example of what you are talking about?

      For example, I don’t think of the 2nd amendment as conservative ideology. I guess you can look at the Supreme Court 2nd amendment jurisprudence as conservative ideology – but the courts Supreme Court has been consistent everytime they look at at the 2nd amendment – from Miller in 1939 to Heller in ?? to the most recent cases in which they found that the 2nd amendment was a personal right. I happen to think that was correct – as all of the bill of rights (the first 10 amendments) are personal, and specifically call out the people or person. I am not sure whether these are “conservative ideology” – but I think slavery was wrong – I think Japanese war camps were wrong – I think the Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis was wrong – I think Jim Crow was wrong – I think seperate but equal was wrong – and so forth. So I am not sure I even agree with your point (if I could even understand it).

      Economic inequity is an interesting one. What is wrong with economic inequity?
      Who said that economics has to be equal and what does that mean anyway? Are you talking about income, spending, taxes or what? Please spell this out for me.

      Equal income is a bad idea – forced salary being the same for a janitor or a nuclear engineer – not a good idea. Where is the incentive to take on the additional schooling required to do jobs that only a few can do? Not everyone can be a doctor or an engineer or an artist or a musician. Why should every job be paid the same? Who decides?

      Once you decide (as America has) that businesses can pay whatever the market will bear (different amounts to different people and jobs) – than of course people will spend different amounts. If you make 100,000 USD you have more to spend than if you make 20,000 USD. Who should have the right to tell you how much to spend? Why?

      Conservative ideology would say that you keep what you earn, except for what the government taxes for national needs (the military and so forth) or state needs (police, fire and so forth). From my standpoint, the people who pay taxes want to pay less and the people who don’t pay taxes want the people who pay to pay more. But conservative ideology doesn’t stop people from earning more (in my opinion).

      What is wrong with Bill Gates earning what he did? Or Warren Buffet? I don’t think I have a right to earn what Bill Gates did. I don’t think Bill Gates should be forced to give me any money. He pays his taxes the same as me (although I am sure he pays more dollars than I). I feel the same way about someone earning less than I do. If someone wants to earn more than me – all they have to do is get a job that pays more than I make. Lots of people do that. There is no law against that. Nor is there a law requiring economic equality (whatever that is).

      Anyway – unpack your statement a bit. Thanks.

    3. Jabber, jabber, jabber….

      Screeds of desperately diversionary bullshit…

      The El Paso shooter was a rightwing terrorist.

      Another one.

    4. “it’s never the cause for economic inequity or environmental degradation or human rights abuses….”

      Remember, these are the same asshats that believe in the fictions of “upward mobility” and “laffer curve”. In their world: people are poor and sick and disadvantaged because they deserve to be.

  22. RickA, it is NOT 1:1. The Ohio shooter’s modus operandi had nothing to do with politics or ideology. The El Paso shooter’s did. You aren’t going to weasel your way out of the truth, which is that far right white supremacy, given a new lease of life under the fascist/racist/narcissist-in-chief, is responsible for virtually all mass shootings in the US where there is a clear political agenda.

    It is remarkable how much you cling to losing arguments. You do it on climate change and in just about every other one of your repugnant right wing views.

  23. RickA shoots himself in the foot again.

    What is wrong with economic inequity?

    If you have to ask that then you are further from a reasonable POV than we thought. Either that or inequity doesn’t mean what you think it means, probably reading to fast and failing comprehension 101.

    1. A failure to tax the better off sufficiently to alleviate the harshest effects of poverty on the poor.

  24. Now, back to the OP and the El Paso mass murder.

    Here we have a straight, red line from Trump stoking race hate to triggered* rightwing nutters with assault weapons killing American citizens.

    Rightwing policies killing American citizens.

    Not to mention the rightwing shrieks about ‘rights’ at even the hint of a suggestion that battlefield weapons should not be available to the public.

    You do this shit. You are all guilty by association. You. Not us. You.

    * I’m sorry and this was not intended as a joke.

    1. I also do not believe in collective guilt or guilt onto the 7th generation.

      I accept no responsibility for the criminal actions of another.

      Each person is responsible for their own actions, and only their own actions. Nobody can blame words which do not literally incite violence for causing their criminal action.

      The el paso shooter chose to kill. That is on him. Not me, not you and not Trump.

      Ditto for the Dayton shooter. Not your fault – not my fault – it was his fault.

      Grow up and stop trying to politicize every mass shooting.

      Crazy people will do crazy things and there is not much you can do to stop it.

      Blaming the actions of crazy killers on others because of overlapping beliefs is unamerican and not how we handle justice in this country.

    2. Those comments have to be the most mind numbingly stupid and dishonest piles of crap rickA has ever spewed.

    3. I do not believe in guilt by association. It is sad that you do. Oh well.

      Makes no difference that you deny your culpability. You are still culpable. You endorse all this shit so you co-own it. You, Donald, the EP shooter and all the rest of you lot – all parts of a whole, not atomised, unrelated things.

      Pretend as hard as you like, but the facts don’t ever change.

    4. Those comments have to be the most mind numbingly stupid and dishonest piles of crap rickA has ever spewed.

      Typical of a dishonest rightwinger backed into a corner.

    1. RickA will still wriggle.

      Yes, and it won’t be worth responding to any of his asinine comments: I responded to his ignorant comments about a study of Russia’s use of twitter and its effects and he continually raised the same bogus objections. You can’t explain even the simplest statistical ideas to someone as intentionally dishonest as he is.

    2. Agree with Lionel – a good find there. Let’s have a quote, shall we?

      Results Fully adjusted regression analyses showed that a 10 unit increase in state gun law permissiveness was associated with a significant 11.5% (95% confidence interval 4.2% to 19.3%, P=0.002) higher rate of mass shootings. A 10% increase in state gun ownership was associated with a significant 35.1% (12.7% to 62.7%, P=0.001) higher rate of mass shootings. Partially adjusted regression analyses produced similar results, as did analyses restricted to domestic and non-domestic mass shootings.

      Conclusions States with more permissive gun laws and greater gun ownership had higher rates of mass shootings, and a growing divide appears to be emerging between restrictive and permissive states.

      Oooh. Who’da thunk it?

      People who vote down gun legislation – rightwing people – are complicit in the slaughter. Which means, dear RickA, that they share a measure of guilt for it.

    1. What is funny is that it is you who is wriggling, not me.

      I condemn both right wing terrorists and extremists and left wing terrorists and extremists. You pretend there is no such thing as left wing terrorists (i.e. antifa).

      I judge people by the acts they commit, not what their politics are. Even though I support the 2nd amendment, that isn’t license to use a gun to commit a crime. I condemn every criminal act using a gun. What I don’t do is condemn every gun owner or every assault rifle gun owner. What I don’t do is condemn every person who opposes open borders. What I don’t do is condemn every person who voted for Trump. I don’t engage in guilt by association. I don’t advocate taking away peoples fundamental rights.

      Feel free not to engage with me – that is fine by me. I just tell people what my thoughts are on various topics. If you want to talk – ok. If you don’t want to talk – that is ok too.

    2. What is funny is that it is you who is wriggling, not me.

      Nope. You still haven’t admitted that you are an endorser of people and policies that get American citizens killed and therefore complicit and culpable.

      Until you do, you are the one wriggling.

  25. “antifa”

    As long as you keep lying about antifa being a terrorist organization you’ll keep verifying the fact that you have no interest in an honest conversation. Again: the fact that the oppose the scum you support doesn’t make them terrorists.

    1. No – what makes them terrorists is that they advocate violence and wear masks. Pretty simple really.

    2. I judge people by the acts they commit, not what their politics are.

      What weasel shit is this? Politics INFORMS people’s acts. Like the rightwing, racist scumbag who – egged on by Trumpian rhetoric – just murdered 22 US citizens in El Paso. I can’t believe you are now trying to pretend that the politics and the acts are somehow separate. Stop taking the piss.

      Even though I support the 2nd amendment, that isn’t license to use a gun to commit a crime. I condemn every criminal act using a gun. What I don’t do is condemn every gun owner or every assault rifle gun owner. What I don’t do is condemn every person who opposes open borders. What I don’t do is condemn every person who voted for Trump. I don’t engage in guilt by association. I don’t advocate taking away peoples fundamental rights.

      FFS, imbecile, nobody has a ‘fundamental right’ to own an assault rifle. Most Americans would agree however that they *should* have a fundamental right to not be murdered by a nutter rendered massively lethal because they are armed with one.

      Nobody is ‘condemning every gun owner or every assault rifle gun owner’. What disingenuous bollocks is this? What is condemned – and rightly so – is the rightwing alliance with its gun industry sponsors. An alliance which the industry uses to maintain its lucrative but insane consumer market in battlefield weapons. It is the clearest case of profit before the lives of US citizens and yet you endorse this crime rather than repudiate it. And you refuse to admit that this is what you are doing. It is unspeakable, really.

      I condemn both right wing terrorists and extremists and left wing terrorists and extremists. You pretend there is no such thing as left wing terrorists (i.e. antifa).

      More wretched disingenuity. We state the *facts*, which are that rightwing terrorists kill lots and lots of US citizens and antifa kills… none. Nor does antifa have a murderous, racist agenda and a century-long history of persecuting and murdering US citizens.

      Your dishonest spiel is really pushing the boundaries today.

      * * * * * *

      I see that kids can now get bullet proof backpacks for school. Well done, Ricky. You are a part of the process that has led to this new marketing opportunity for the backpack industry. Step up and claim your thirty pieces of rat shit.

    3. “what makes them terrorists is that they advocate violence and wear masks.”

      See, this is how you show yourself to be a congenital liar.

  26. Another of rickA’s and Trump’s “very good people”

    Trump Supporter with Loaded Pistol, Knife Arrested Outside El Paso Immigrant Center

    El Paso police arrested a Trump supporter Wednesday as he sat outside an organizing space for immigrant activists, wearing blue latex gloves and brandishing a knife. Organizers with Casa Carmelita say police also recovered a loaded gun, ammunition and a bag of white powder from the man’s truck, which sported a large banner portraying Donald Trump as Rambo and bumper stickers for the far-right conspiracy website InfoWars. The man appears to be 21-year-old Thomas Bartram, who was profiled earlier on Wednesday by the Washington Examiner. Bartram told the paper he was an “open-carry kind of guy” at political rallies; a photo accompanying the article shows Bartram making what appears to be a white nationalist hand gesture.

  27. @ RickA

    “what makes them terrorists is that they advocate violence and wear masks.”

    By this metric, police officers of SWAT teams are terrorists.

    1. I don’t think the Klan is classified as a terrorist group, but there are those tall, pointy masks with just eyeholes and the long history of advocating violence.

      This is really weird.

    2. The KKK is listed as a “hate group”, not a domestic terrorism group. Cruz and other clowns do want to list antifa as a terrorist organization, despite the lack of violence, threats, or other actions you would expect there to be to warrant such a designation.

      Of course, the reason for cruz is exactly the same as it is for good old racist rickA: the people in antifa oppose the white supremacists and nazis cruz and rickA identify with, and they support people who aren’t white — essentially a capital offense for rickA and cruz.

      By this metric, police officers of SWAT teams are terrorists.

      And special operators for the CIA, Seals etc. (Of course, given the latest news about some Seal teams, the designation would makes sense.)

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