Facebook apparently knew quite early on that Russian agents were manipulating Facebook feeds and Facebook users in order to influence the American election, favoring Trump and working against Clinton.
But they publicly denied that they had any of this information, and went so far as to delete information about this in a report. The report contained details about Russia that Facebook legal and marketing teams removed before the report’s release.
Then, as you may know, they eventually admitted it.
The result of this long and inexplicable delay may have set back by months our understanding of the whole Trump-Russian scandal.
Watch this for all the gory details:
Most of the Russian money was spent after the election.
Among money spent before election, very little in swing states.
The messages were contradictory. Some were talking a pro-Muslim view while others were against.
Looks like an attempt at disruption and division, not tipping an election.
It really sucks that Russian apologists like MikeN work so hard to sow division among us.
If Russia was trying to help Trump with their Facebook campaign, then whoever was in charge of it should have been fired. How would you feel if Hillary’s campaign manager spent $400 million in November and December 2016?
Clinton pollster Mark Penn, another Russian apologist!
“I have 40 years of experience in politics, and this Russian ad buy, mostly after the election anyway, simply does not add up to a carefully targeted campaign to move voters. It takes tens of millions of dollars to deliver meaningful messages to the contested portion of the electorate. “