Yearly Archives: 2011

Drinks, Mouse, Gun, 13 year old girl, Animated!

As reported here, “Paul Klunzer’s four-month relationship with a 13 year-old girl ended like many of these illegal relationships do: with his roommate shooting at a mouse with a handgun, missing, hitting a third roommate in the chest, and having police find the girl hiding in a closet in the course of the investigation.”

And, it’s been animated! Continue reading Drinks, Mouse, Gun, 13 year old girl, Animated!

President Obama: Don’t Play Politics with the Health of Women and Young People

Initially there was hope that President Obama would side with the FDA, all available scientific research, and the women of America. Instead, he decided to invoke his power as “Daddy In Chief” and allow a presidential administration – for the first time ever – to overrule the FDA on issues of medical science.

In 2009, President Obama issued a Presidential Memorandum committing his administration to champion science. So why is the President throwing woman’s health under the bus because he’s too scared of the political backlash of doing the right thing?

Sign the petition.

The video Peter Fincham does not want you to see.

Tim Minchin's Face
Tim Minchin rhymes with Peter Fincham. But what rhymes with Parthenogenesis?

Who the F%#K is Peter Fincham? Nobody knows, nobody cares. All you need to know is that he used to work as director of television for some TV show1, saw the following video, and used his big fat power trip to make sure it was not shown because it insults The Lord Savior Jesus H. Christ Himself. Which it doesn’t, really. I know Jesus personally, having been an Altar Boy and stuff, and I’m sure he would love this. Continue reading The video Peter Fincham does not want you to see.

Gays to Koch: “We are sorry for ruining marriage”

Amy Koch was the highly placed Minnesota legislator who recently resigned from her leadership post when it became clear that she was about to be, or was being, accused of/caught doing a staff member.

Koch issued an official statement yesterday about the situation:

Amy Koch apologized late this afternoon for “engaging in a relationship with a Senate staffer,” though she did not name the individual.

Koch declared in an official statement that she’s “made some mistakes and errors in judgment” and has “deep regret.” She apologized to constituents, the Republican party, fellow legislators, and her family.

“The events of recent days have been very difficult for me and those close to me,” Koch said.

Although Koch has not named the other person whom she was boinking, it is rumored that it was/is Michael Brodcorb.

Now, who really cares? This is between Amy her boyfriend, her husband, and anyone else who may or may not be involved/uninvolved. But, of course, we tend to make a big deal out of it when the person doing the extra-marital affairing is a Family Values Teabagging Republican Shit, as is the case here.

But really, is it Amy’s fault that her marriage is ruined? After all, marriage in general has been ruined by the gay people, right? Gay people have, generally speaking, ruined everything, including marriage, and other stuff too. So, of course Amy was unable to maintain her Family Values Marriage under those circumstances.

And, to their credit, Teh Gayz have apologized.

The gay and lesbian community of Minnesota has issued a letter of apology to recently resigned Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch for ruining the institution of marriage and causing her to stray from her husband and engage in an “inappropriate relationship.”

“On behalf of all gays and lesbians living in Minnesota, I would like to wholeheartedly apologize for our community’s successful efforts to threaten your traditional marriage,” reads the letter from John Medeiros. “We apologize that our selfish requests to marry those we love has cheapened and degraded traditional marriage so much that we caused you to stray from your own holy union for something more cheap and tawdry.”

Both Koch and her alleged boinkee Brodkorb campainged hard to get a constitutoinal emendment on the ballot so that Minnesota Voters can Trample Out the Gay by making it unconstitutional to even change the law to allow those gay people to marry. But, apparently, they did not campaign hard enough, too little too late, leaving the barn door open after the horse has flown the coop. And now, sadly, they had to pay. By fucking. And getting caught doing so.

Those Gay People are ruining it for everyone.

And now, the complete text of their letter: Continue reading Gays to Koch: “We are sorry for ruining marriage”

Galaxy from distant past is very fertile

The farther away you look, the farther back in time you see. So, GN-108036, a galaxy spotted by NASA’s Spitzer and Hubble scopes, is 12.9 billion light-years away, and thus, about 12.9 billion years ago (not counting adjustments for cosmic expansion). It turns out that GN-108036 is producing stars at the rate of about 100 per year. In contract, the Mikly Way (our galaxy), even though it is 100 times bigger in mass than GN-108036, produces about 30 new stars per year.


This image shows one of the most distant galaxies known, called GN-108036, dating back to 750 million years after the Big Bang that created our universe. The galaxy’s light took 12.9 billion years to reach us. Click here for a context shot and more information about the photo.

GN-108036 is an unexpected find because we previously thought that a that early stage in the universe’s history, about 750 million years after the Big Bang, galaxies this massive and bright did not exist yet.
Continue reading Galaxy from distant past is very fertile

Republican Candidates Need To Make A List And Let Us Check It Twice

Over the last few years we’ve seen increasing evidence that the philosophy of Republican elected officials and candidates is to a) garner support from specific groups and then, b) withhold representation of any other groups once elected and even c) go out of their way to harm groups that opposed them during the election.

A couple years back there was an incident of an elected (state level) official contacted by some sort of citizens group for a meeting (a normal thing to happen) and he/she let slip that this group would never have an audience because of opposition during the election.

The other day a gay man asked New Gingrich about his position on engaging gay people once in office, and Gingrich’s reply was to tell the man to vote for Obama.

I asked him if he’s elected, how does he plan to engage gay Americans. How are we to support him? And he told me to support Obama,” said Arnold. […]

“When you ask somebody a question and you expect them to support all Americans and have everyone’s general interest,”Arnold said. “It’s a little bit frustrating and disheartening when you’re told to support the other side. That he doesn’t need your support.”

quoted from the Des Moines Register, here.

So, here’s what I think. Republican candidates, while running for office, should be presented with lists … during the debates would be a good time … of different factions of Americans, and then they must declare if they will represent these people or not once elected.

Will you or will you not be an effective, thoughful, and fair representative for …

  • Gay people
  • Transgender people
  • People who support single payer health care
    Union member
  • And so on and so forth

Then these results can be vetted by the press (they are so good at that, after all) and adjusted to reflect realty, and the results hung by the voting booth so people are clear on what they are doing when they pull the lever.

Switching to Linux: One man’s personal experience

Photographer Scott Rowed has penned an excellent essay on his experience making the switch to Linux, and he’s agreed to place it here as a guest post. Please read it and pass it on to people, school districts, small island nations, and others who may benefit. This is a repost from about two years ago:
Continue reading Switching to Linux: One man’s personal experience

Happy Nonnormative Holiday

This is the time of year that everyone sends everyone else those greeting cards made out of your family photos. To some extent it must be true that the images in those photos reify socio-normative standards. The images are iconic of the expectations of what a family looks like, because they are self selected pictures of people’s families spread about in their social milieu.

We always think about doing that but never get to it. We’re bad that way. So, instead, I’ll just send around this video sent to me by

If there were lobbyists in the 18th century, would there be a provision in the US Constitution …

… to restrict their activities?

David Cay Johnston doesn’t say that, but on reading his essay, I was thinking that. The corporations that occupy Congress won’t tell you anything you weren’t already thinking about how the government serves corporations, but it is a well framed and well written and reasonably detailed update that you should read. Continue reading If there were lobbyists in the 18th century, would there be a provision in the US Constitution …