Monthly Archives: April 2011

Africa. Some time in the early 1990s.

… Continued …

I started out walking a good six feet behind her, to avoid the sand she was kicking up and the occasional thorn-lined branch that might swing back in the wake of anyone walking through the African Bush. We were traversing open country in the Kalahari, in an area sealed off from people owing to the presence of unfriendly lions and other dangers. We were doing this in part because we both felt like we had been locked up for days and needed some freedom; We needed freedom from confinement, freedom from the people we were with, freedom from patronizing park employees, freedom of movement, freedom from the sound and smell of a diesel engine in a “safari vehicle,” and a taste of the freedom, which I can’t describe, you get when you walk through the wild bush in Africa knowing that you are being slightly annoying to the unfriendly lions and have the chance of almost anything happening and no way to stop it. Over every dune was a question, in every cluster of brush and camel-thorn tree was a mystery, in every patch of long grass a cobra or a rodent or a game bird or, at least, some kind of interesting spider or something.
Continue reading Africa. Some time in the early 1990s.

From Fit to Fat to Fit. And Back.

Photo by flickr user gato-gato-gato.
Did you ever watch cattle? I mean, really watch them, for a few hours? Mostly they just sit or stand around munching on grass, chewing their cud, or snoozing. But every once in a while a handful of them will stand up and point in one direction. And they may take a few steps in that direction. Then a few more will join them. And once a critical mass has been reached, the whole herd will just go. Domestic cattle, wild African cape buffalo, whatever. This is what they do.
Continue reading From Fit to Fat to Fit. And Back.

Michele Bachmann for President? Perhaps it is time to remind the country of Bathroomgate.

The rest of the country is starting to learn something about Michele Bachmann that those of us in her home state (and district) have known for some time: The woman is not only ultraconservative and of questionable judgment, but she also has a very weak grip on reality and truth. Her grip on reality was questioned some five or six years ago with Bathroomgate. I find it interesting that very few people talk about Bathroomgate these days … I think the national press and wider blogosphere is simply unaware of it. And more recently, a speech she gave in Iowa was loaded with untruths about her family history. This has been uncovered and described by Chris Rodda on Ed Brayton’s blog in a piece on

Bathroomgate was reported in a number of places including the now inactive Dump Bachmann blog (Michele’s Shifting Accounts of Bathroomgate). However, many of the original on-line documents and reports of this event have been scrubbed, but you can’t really erase things from the Internet. Here’s a brief summary:

In 2005, Bachmann, then a State Senator, attended a town meeting in the small hamlet of Scandia, Minnesota. After the public part of the meeting, she went to the bathroom, where she ran into two women who, the story goes, were lesbians, one or both of whom had asked her questions at the meeting. Soon after entering the bathroom, Bachmann ran out into the lobby area in tears, and proclaimed “I was being held against my will!”

A report, which has since been scrubbed from the Internet, was filed with the County Sheriff. In that report, Bachmann states that the women are “believed to be part of a LGBT group.” She claimed that they detained her for some time in the bathroom, and this caused her to fear for her life. The woman have a different version of the story. According to them, they ran into Bachmann in the bathroom, and attempted to chat civilly but within seconds, Bachmann ran from the bathroom screaming. One of the two women held the door for her as she exited. In fact, the event happened so quickly that the woman was actually holding the door from her own act of entering the bathroom.

A lot of people made up stuff about it at the time. For example, one Bachmann supporter claimed (in a blog post that has been scrubbed from the Internet) that the women pushed their way into a single stall bathroom, but the public bathroom at this facility is said to be quite roomy, and to have over a dozen stalls.

>One eyewitness account of the event runs like this:

State Sen. Michele Bachmann and Rep. Ray Vandeveer were in Scandia Saturday morning for a town meeting with their constituents. Usually the senator and representative expect a half dozen folks to show up for a comfortable chat. Not so on April 9th, when 36 area residents seated themselves firmly before their elected officials and demanded
accountability on issues ranging from educational funding to the controversial “defense of marriage” amendment.

This was one of Bachamnn’s last, if not her very last, open meetings. She is locally famous for having closed “town meetings” and ignoring anyone who is not cleared as a supporter from her district. Anyway, back to the account …

Saturday’s meeting was stiffly cordial until the room erupted in applause at the suggestion that higher taxes were acceptable, if such taxes were valid expenditures used to keep Minnesota’s quality of education at a premium level. …

… and so on and so forth, with Bachmann growing increasingly agitated during he meeting, and showing open disdain in the form of smirks, sidelong glances, and so on, for their constituents.

…Ms. Bachmann was asked to cite an actual study which showed that children were harmed by exposure to couples with alternative life styles. She responded by referring vaguely to conclusions that children are best raised in a household with a mother and a father, to which the audience suggested making divorce illegal….

Eventually, Vandeveer terminated the meeting early over the objections of the audience.

Then ….

Senator Bachmann retired to the restroom and residents began moving toward the exit. Less than a moment later, piercing screams were heard from the ladies’ washroom. “Help!!!! HEEEELLLLLLPPPPPP!!!!!” With everyone’s attention riveted on the door, Senator Bachmann emerged in a crouching run, crying, “I was being held against my will!” Two women were seen standing behind her, one tall and elderly, the other young and petite, both unassuming and bewildered.

The women reported afterward they had followed the senator into the restroom to continue to question her about education. One had her hand on the door handle, ready to
open it, which she immediately did when Senator Bachmann became frightened and began screaming.

Yes, there is a connection between this lady and our state bird. I’ll just leve it at that.

More on Bachmann.


Japan quake, tsunami, nuke news 16: Radioactive leaks? It’s a feature, not a bug!

Welcome to the “I’m starting to get cynical” edition.

The situation at Fukushima Diiachi Nuclear Plant reached an impasse over the least few days. Two or three of the reactors are in a situation where cooling is being kludged, the reactor fuel rods are damaged and have melted but the details are unknown, storage pools are not being safely managed, unexpected fission events keep occurring despite the widespread belief that this can’t happen, and no one knows what to do because no one can see what is happening because of the more immediate problem: There is a deposit of very dangerous highly radioactive water within the plant in places that make it impossible for engineers and technicians to enter.

Meanwhile, radioactive water has been leaking form the plant. A huge blatantly obvious crack in the plant’s foundation was “noticed” quite recently and blamed for the leak. Attempts to fix the crack at first failed then apparently worked well enough to determine that this crack is not the source of the leak. Tracer stuff has been placed in the plant to see if a route between the plant and the sea could be identified. So far this has not worked. The engineers at Fukushima have no clue whatsoever how water is leaking into the sea, or which water it is, or how to stop it. But, that’s OK because they have a plan B: Dump the water into the sea on purpose! Then, the leak will be a feature, rather than a bug!
Continue reading Japan quake, tsunami, nuke news 16: Radioactive leaks? It’s a feature, not a bug!

Is the current plan for seeking evidence of life on Europa on thin ice?

ResearchBlogging.orgEuropa is a moon of Jupiter, the smallest of the four Jovian moons discovered by Galileo in 1610. Juipter has 63 objects circling it that are called moons, though only eight of them are “regular” in their orbit and other characteristics. The rest are bits and pieces of clumped up matter that were probably captured by Jupiter’s big-ass gravitational field, and have irregular orbits, i.e., they go the wrong-way around the planet, or are not in the solar plane, etc.
Continue reading Is the current plan for seeking evidence of life on Europa on thin ice?

Did you hear my interview with Neil deGrasse Tyson today?

Did you year the interview with Neil deGrasse Tyson today?

If not, that’s OK, it’s a podcast.

But first, a hint for those of you who want to do interviews. There’s a trick to make it go well. Interview someone like Dr. Tyson, with his knowledge, enthusiasm, and experience in public media; Ask him a couple/few questions; Sit back and listen to all the good words that come out. Break occasionally for commercials if needed.
Continue reading Did you hear my interview with Neil deGrasse Tyson today?

The Hopeful Monster Theory Returns Triumphant

Most evolutionary biologist have fully rejected the “hopeful monster theory” but it turns out they were wrong to do so.

Most mutations are deleterious, and are quickly weeded out of a population but in some cases not before they briefly cause hideous results that make everyone turn away in horror and disgust. But sometimes a hideous mutation can produce something new and amazing, something novel and wonderful, something never before seen and but which we could never imagine the world doing without. Here is an example:

Continue reading The Hopeful Monster Theory Returns Triumphant

Japan quake, tsunami, nuke news 15: Water leaking into sea via crack, and concerns over hydrogen buildup

i-56d9c13b4cea955a375fea272b817891-CRACK15964750-thumb-250x334-63383.jpgDespite the deafening silence from TEPCO regarding questions over a physical breech in Reactor 2, it is now generally being considered that there is a breech in reactor 2. It is not clear if it is a hole in the containment vessel of some kind or just some disconnected or cracked pipes. Experts are estimating the percent of fuel in the reactors that were active at the time of the quake that has been damaged as fairly high (over half). The most significant news over the last several hours is probably the identification of a major route by which radioactive water is leaking from Reactor 2 into the sea. This is a 20 cm wide crack in the concrete foundation of the reactor building. TEPCO claims that it will fill the crack with concrete.

It also appears that there are raised concerns about hydrogen buildup in reactors 1 and 2, and efforts are being made to avoid an explosion from this hydrogen.
Continue reading Japan quake, tsunami, nuke news 15: Water leaking into sea via crack, and concerns over hydrogen buildup

Japan quake, tsunami, nuke news 14: Waiting for the other shoe to drop

The experts monitoring and reporting on the Fukushima nuclear disaster have, for several days now, stopped talking about melting reactor fuel or breached containment vessels. The International Atomic Energy Agency, the Energy Collective, and other groups now merely pass along information about pressure and temperature and make a note here and there about water being sprayed on something or not sprayed on something. They have not stopped talking about melting overheated fuel because they have determined that there isn’t any. They stopped talking about it because there isn’t anything to say. Reactors have melted down, the meltdown is still in process, and while everyone waits for the other shoe to drop … something more out of control than they have now, which hopefully will not happen … they talk about pressure gages and tonnes of water and temperature readings. Have you ever watched someone who is quite ill die over a period of days or weeks? This is often how it goes. You stop talking about fixing the damaged heart or repairing the useless lungs or shrinking the growing tumor, and if you talk about anything medical at all, it’s the dials and widgets attached to chrome rods and racks and draped with cables and tubes, flashing, beeping, oscillating behind the unconscious patient. This is how Fukushima looks to me today.

Continue reading Japan quake, tsunami, nuke news 14: Waiting for the other shoe to drop

Happy Anniversary Nuclear Power Core Meltdown at Three Mile Island!

There’s been about 90 or so significant nuke accidents. That’s a lot considering that there are only some 400-500 or so facilities involved. But it’s OK. Nuclear power is totally safe. We have backups on backups on backups. Nothing can go wrong. … go wrong … go wrong..

Oh, and Happy Birthday Rachel Maddow! Here’s Rachel now …
Continue reading Happy Anniversary Nuclear Power Core Meltdown at Three Mile Island!