Standing up against the police state

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How do you know you are in a “third world” country with a militaristic dictatorship? There are a lot of clues, but one of the easiest methods is to drive around and see how often you go through police or military checkpoints. You can practice this method by going to Florida. And, while you are … Continue reading Standing up against the police state

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Welcome to the Police State

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I was going to put this on my facebook page, but it seemed worthy of a higher status. As it were. We live in a police state, here in America, in the same way one gives oneself a particular religion or non-religious label. Unless you are a priest, a habitually repentant sinner, or like me, … Continue reading Welcome to the Police State

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Anti-Vax Paranoic Police State Shenanigans: Skeptics visit AutismOne Conference

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You must go read the chilling and amusing account of Jamie Bernstein and Ken Reibel’s visit to the AutismOne Conference in the Chicago area. The story has all the elements. Horror: (that’s what they were forced to eat); Police Absurdity (though not brutality); Screeching Breathless Paranoia; Jenny McCarthy; and Chemical Castration. The story is told … Continue reading Anti-Vax Paranoic Police State Shenanigans: Skeptics visit AutismOne Conference

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The argument for a police officer killing a citizen

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Among the many arguments for a cop to kill a citizen, my favorite is the argument of reasonable fear. This is an actual legal doctrine, and it may even make sense. A cop is really really scared so he kills some dude. Gee, sorry. The problem, of course, is that racists cops are automatically, by … Continue reading The argument for a police officer killing a citizen

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One step in solving the police problem

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People, usually people of color, more often than not Native Americans and African Americans (according the the available statistics) suffer regular repression by the police. Day to day, the most common form of repression is about the small stuff. Jay walking, being out after curfew, walking around in a shopping mall, driving while black, and … Continue reading One step in solving the police problem

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#Ferguson Police Are At Your Door

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Above: Ferguson police spent the evening dropping tear gas containers on reporters to keep news of police repression from getting out. They are unaware of the deadly truthful combination of cell phones, citizens, and twitter. My fellow American: You live in Ferguson, you just don’t know it yet. NOTE: BREAKING: Rep. Clay Says St. Louis … Continue reading #Ferguson Police Are At Your Door

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LA State Government and Jindal Rip UP US Constitution

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… To protect gun owners by repressing journalists. On Tuesday, the Louisiana Senate passed a bill that would imprison and fine journalists who intentionally publish information about the state’s concealed-carry handgun permit holders. Reporters who violate the law would face penalties of up to $10,000, six months in jail, or both; public safety officials and … Continue reading LA State Government and Jindal Rip UP US Constitution

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If you are ever being chased by the police …

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There are certain thing you should do and certain things you should not do. But whatever you don, don’t do what Daniel Donno, visiting the Twin Cities from Wales (apparently) did in the wee hours of the morning today. He had stolen a car (who knows why) and led the police on an extensive chase … Continue reading If you are ever being chased by the police …

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Police response time, gun control, and the end of civilization

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It’s a meme* Since the police will not arrive at your home to protect you from intruders, you must arm yourself with guns. Efforts by commie libruls to restrict gun ownership are tantamount to going from farm to farm and shooting all the babies in the head because gun control takes away the ability of … Continue reading Police response time, gun control, and the end of civilization

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Arrests in anti-church-state separation protest.

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There were several arrests in New York City, including one councilmember and several pastors, in connection with protest against the eviction of religious groups from public school buildings. Seven demonstrators, including Councilman Fernando Cabrera, were charged with trespass Thursday. Police say they refused to move from the entrance to the city’s Law Department in Manhattan. … Continue reading Arrests in anti-church-state separation protest.

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NDAA signing statement: “Does not apply to US citizens.”

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The National Defense Authorization Act probably did not authorize US police or military organizations or individuals to detain US citizens without cause or due process. The bill was written in such a way that existing statute in this regard would not be affected. But just to make sure, President Obama added a signing statement stating … Continue reading NDAA signing statement: “Does not apply to US citizens.”

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President Newt Gingrich Would Arrest Pro Church-State Separation Judges

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This is why I don’t want to hear you belly-aching about Obama and telling us all about how you can’t vote for him because he didn’t do some thing you for some quite possibly invalid reason you thought he would do despite having only two years without a Republican congress and almost no time without … Continue reading President Newt Gingrich Would Arrest Pro Church-State Separation Judges

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Policing Reform: Then, now, next

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This post is meant to be a rough draft of an overview of police reform activism over recent decades. What I’m saying here is mainly from my own memory. Ever since I’ve been storing and retaining memories, I’ve been one sort of environmentalist or another, but police reform activism has been part of my life … Continue reading Policing Reform: Then, now, next

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