Emily Jane Fox is a top notch investigative reporter who has uncovered many bigly details about the Russio-Trumpian Collusion Scandal. And she just wrote a book: Born Trump: Inside America’s First Family
Details: Continue reading Born Trump
Emily Jane Fox is a top notch investigative reporter who has uncovered many bigly details about the Russio-Trumpian Collusion Scandal. And she just wrote a book: Born Trump: Inside America’s First Family
Details: Continue reading Born Trump
I haven’t done a “caption this” posting on this blog in years. But I’ve got this one. Have at it:
In a year in which Democrats show up, like they did in 2012, Trump would have been trounced in Minnesota. Instead, he barely lost. It was a very very close call, just a couple of percentage points.
This graph says it all:
One thing this means is that the Democrats, in putting up candidates in Minnesota, are not trying to win back Republicans or Trump voters. They are simply trying to win back their own.
Many months ago I coined the term “snowflake” to refer to liberals, progressives, or Democrats, who felt that since their own personal point of view is not perfectly represented in the mind of each and every other liberal or progressive or Democrat, that they should therefore complain incessantly, stay home from the polls, and sit there in a funk hoping someone like Trump wins the election in order to show the rest of them how bad they are being.
Unfortunately, the snowflake moniker has been co-opted, without my permission, by others! But, here, I revise it for the special purpose of talking about this graph.
Roughly six percent of Minnesotans are snowflakes.
This year, dammit, show up.
Also, in the coming convention, if you are a DFL delegate, vote for Otto because you don’t need a medium size male with a lumberjack shirt and a booming voice to win in this state.
General James Patton is famous for this advice. Carefully account for and consider all the facts, and all your fears. Armed with this information, make a plan. Then, put aide your fears and attack! James R. Clapper, who is the offspring of an intelligence operative and who has spent his entire life engaged in intelligence, under each and every one of the United States Presidents from Lancer through Renegade, just wrote a book. In it, he gives us something to be afraid of, when he presents a startling and important conclusion. Continue reading Facts and Fears: The Russians Did Elect Trump
As a logical person seeking an understanding of what happened with the election, the Trump campaign, all of that, there is one piece of information that led me, long ago, to strongly suspect that there was an arrangement made between Trump and his campaign, the Russians, and Wikileaks (and possibly other intermediaries).
This was when two people with inside information told us that this was happening. These two individuals told us that information that we later learned was stolen by Russian agents and distributed via WikiLeaks and other means would be used to affect the outcome of the election.
The first instance was a bit vague, but it was repeated several times and in retrospect, this is strongly suggestive. Here:
The second was not vague at all and is very clear, considering what was said, when it was said, and what happened:
I’m not claiming this is court admisible evidence. But then again, I’m not a court. I’m a person. When I see these two sets of comments, knowing what happened, I see this as very strong evidence that the alleged arrangement was not only real, but emerged as a strategy, from an internal discussion among the campaign personnel, including Trump.
Both of these men are blowhards and morons.
This raises one historically interesting question.
Giuliani is well known for having successfully carried out one of the most difficult and intense investigations and prosecutions ever, shutting down powerful NY mafia families. But looking at his recent incriminating bloviating, one has to wonder. Was Giuliani taking credit he did not deserve? Has he lost part of his self control or reasoning, lowering his capacity to think and communicate to Trumpian levels?
No matter, really. We should probably not be looking a gift horse in the mouth. Long live Rudy Giuliani as Trump’s lawyer!
This happened once.
A major new venue was to be opening some time in the next year. A major existential threat was menacing the planet. A major star, one of the biggest ever, was said to be interested in performing a benefit concert, somewhere interesting, to help an important cause.
I suggested that the major star perform as the first ever act at the major new venue, in order to raise major money and awareness and stuff to address the major existential threat that was menacing the planet. Everyone involved in the conversation was pleased with the idea. A message was dispatched in the direction of the major star, via an available contact.
What happened next was interesting, disturbing, and expected. Continue reading Black holes of isolation induced oddness
A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership by James Comey is coming out any minute now. Described as such: Continue reading James Comey: A Higher Loyalty
I’ve been cautious about predicting what Trump will do next, and when I do predict I’m usually wrong, because he is so random. But right now I’ve got a strong feeling that he is about to make a move on Mueller.
I know, I know, it’s been looking that way all along so saying that now is meaningless. But not really, because now is now and before was then. I know I know, he can’t do it because the law says he can’t. Well, wrong. That has never been true. I know, I know, it will be like the Saturday Night Massacre all over again. But no, that play has been made by Trump and it failed. Nixon had the balls to make the SNM work, and when Trump did the same thing he got told to sit down because he is basically a bully, and thus, spineless. So, he’ll be doing it a different way. Continue reading Cover the fans, the sh*t is coming
I lived in Zaire. Mobotu Sese Seku Kuku Kibombe, the arch-typical syphilitic dictator, the model for all the other African dictators found in real life and fiction, would win by 99% every time he ran. He did that because of two things. Continue reading How Trump Gets To Be Dictator
The Trump camp is claiming that Donald Trump has made huge strides in stemming human trafficking, and they have been comparing Trump’s numbers to Obama’s numbers. However, the claim is false and pernicious. Continue reading The Truth About Trump’s Human Trafficking Claim
The world of power was built to make men, not women, comfortable. In the just released book Dear Madam President: An Open Letter to the Women Who Will Run the World, Jennifer Palmieri explains how those rules are going to change. Continue reading Dear Madam President
Steve Benen, of the Rachel Maddow Show, notes, Continue reading Trump should watch The West Wing for pro tips
Have a look:
The media has been speculating that I fired Rex Tillerson or that he would be leaving soon – FAKE NEWS! He’s not leaving and while we disagree on certain subjects, (I call the final shots) we work well together and America is highly respected again!https://t.co/FrqiPLFJ1E
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 1, 2017
Michael Isikoff and David Corn are among the very top reporters who have been covering the Trump Russian scandal. Corn is the reporter who initially broke the Dossier story (no, it was not Buzzfeed), and Isikoff broke the story about US intelligence looking into a Trump-Kremlin connection via Carter Page. Since this initial work, these two reporters have been, along with dozens of others, putting into the public view the famous ice-berg tip that we all know Robert Mueller has the rest of hidden away somewhere. Continue reading Best Book on Trump-Russian Scandal
Donald Trump went into a snit and his babysitter wasn’t around to control him, so he barged into a meeting and slapped high tariffs on metal imports. The stock market suffered a mini-crash, and according to some experts, 2 cents per watt have been added to utility scale solar projects. Continue reading Trump Ruins Everything For Everybody (but good news from Minnesota)