A handful of media items on guns and gun control: Continue reading Gun Violence Conversations
Category Archives: Violence and Guns
23 Steps Toward Reducing Gun Violence
President Barack Obama has signed 23 Executive Orders intended to reduce gun violence in the United States. This alone will not be sufficient–Congress must pass new laws to address this problem as well, and the citizens of the united states have to make some cultural adjustments–but it is a start.
Republican Tea Party Congressman Steve Stockman of, where else, Texas, plans to file articles of impeachment against the president in an effort to maintain our current level of gun violence because, I suppose, he likes it when six year old children are gunned down in cold blood. The people of Stockman’s Congressional District should hang their collective heads in shame for what they have done.
The Executive Orders are summarized in the following list:
Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal agencies to make relevant
data available to the federal background check system. -
Address unnecessary legal barriers, particularly relating to the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act, that may prevent states from making
information available to the background check system. -
Improve incentives for states to share information with the background check
system. -
Direct the attorney general to review categories of individuals prohibited from
having a gun to make sure dangerous people are not slipping through the cracks. -
Propose rulemaking to give law enforcement the ability to run a full background
check on an individual before returning a seized gun. -
Publish a letter from ATF to federally licensed gun dealers providing guidance on
how to run background checks for private sellers. -
Launch a national safe and responsible gun ownership campaign.
Review safety standards for gun locks and gun safes (Consumer Product Safety
Commission). -
Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal law enforcement to trace guns
recovered in criminal investigations. -
Release a DOJ report analyzing information on lost and stolen guns and make it
widely available to law enforcement. -
Nominate an ATF director.
Provide law enforcement, first responders, and school officials with proper
training for active shooter situations. -
Maximize enforcement efforts to prevent gun violence and prosecute gun crime.
Issue a Presidential Memorandum directing the Centers for Disease Control to
research the causes and prevention of gun violence. -
Direct the attorney general to issue a report on the availability and most effective
use of new gun safety technologies and challenge the private sector to develop
innovative technologies. -
Clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patients
about guns in their homes. -
Release a letter to health care providers clarifying that no federal law prohibits
them from reporting threats of violence to law enforcement authorities. -
Provide incentives for schools to hire school resource officers.
Develop model emergency response plans for schools, houses of worship and
institutions of higher education. -
Release a letter to state health officials clarifying the scope of mental health
services that Medicaid plans must cover. -
Finalize regulations clarifying essential health benefits and parity requirements
within ACA exchanges. -
Commit to finalizing mental health parity regulations.
Launch a national dialogue led by Secretaries Sebelius and Duncan on mental
Guns Ownership and Control: Newtown is one more last straw in a series of many
I have been writing about this topic for years. Lately, I have been ignoring it. Last few massacres, I didn’t say or do anything. I think Gabby Gifford’s shooting was a last straw for me; I became too disgusted with our situation and I became too disheartened with the number of people who require that we Americans remain an utterly unique society in that we shoot each other at record rates. Somehow, it seems, that makes us good. Others claim that because there are problems in the world with higher body counts, this problem of guns in the US should not be addressed at all. That is utterly stupid, of course. If a person’s leg was being chewed on by a dog, and that person also happen to have cancer, would we require that the person not complain about the dog? Same logic.
Anyway, I will write something about Newtown. The timing strikes a bit close to home for me, as someone not affected at all, in ways that are true for many others. I’ve got kids in school or going soon enough. My daughter lost a classmate a number of months ago to gun violence, and my wife lost a student this week in the same way; A few years ago, a few blocks away a gun nut killed a teenager in what was essentially an ambush, and a few weeks ago, another gun nut a couple of towns over executed two teenagers in a similar situation. (The former was lauded as a hero, the latter will go on trial for murder.)
But even that amounts to nothing compared to what many people face every day. We are a heavily armed society and we resort to guns too easily.
At this point, I just wanted to point out two sets of prior blog posts on gun ownership and related issues, one here and one on the X Blog:
Scienceblogs posts on firearms
My opinion about guns has not changed, but my preferred strategy to deal with the problem has. That’s been coming for a while. Newtown is just one more last straw in a series of many.
Mentally Ill, Criminals, Obama, Olivia, Guns
I am uncomfortable discussing ableism and related topics linked to mental illness for several reasons. One is that I don’t know enough about it to ask people to pay a lot of attention to what I have to say. Despite the whingings of my many detractors, I actually do tend to know a fair amount about the stuff I do talk about, such as race and racism, issues of gender related to both biology and politics, evolutionary biology, human foragers, and climate change. Indeed, I wrote my theses on these things. Well, some of them. But when it comes to mental illness outside of issues related to interesting things the brain does (I know something about brains) and certain cultural aspects (I’ve looked into so-called “culture bound mental illness”) I’m out of my league.
So why am I writing about it now? I’m not, as you’ll see. This post started, as so many things have lately, with a post over on the Future of Skeptics venue, Teen Skeptics. There, Olivia took issue with a certain thing a certain person said (we’ll get back to that) and from that starting point provided an important discussion about the equation of mental illness with criminality, or more exactly perhaps, the equation of mentally ill persons and criminals. Continue reading Mentally Ill, Criminals, Obama, Olivia, Guns
Let’s have a rational discusion about gun control
Gun Control and Stand Your Ground
Can the law keep guns out of criminal's hands?
Those who support unfettered ownership and sales of guns say no, but they are just making that up. A recent study says yes. Check it out.
Advocates for gun control plan counterrally at ODU
A gun rights group that plans a rally this week on Old Dominion University’s campus will have some unwanted company when it gathers today on Kaufman Mall to push for less-restrictive weapons policies.
The group will be confronted by gun control advocates who said they’ve organized a counterdemonstration in support of a university proposal to ban concealed-weapon permit holders from bringing guns into school facilities.
“Decisions about campus safety should be made by administrators, faculty and students, not by extremists… who contribute nothing …
Gun Nuts Attack NRA
Let’s just hope this does not lead to anyone … targeting anyone.
Continue reading Gun Nuts Attack NRA
Is Gun Control Racist?
This is an assertion that has made the usual rounds. Here’s a recent essay on the topic, a worthwhile update:
Continue reading Is Gun Control Racist?
14 year old kills most of his family with a butter knife and a small piece of twine
Since he is a minor his name has been withheld. The 14 year old boy in South Carolina called the police to tell them that he had attacked his father, his grandmother, and his great aunt. He told the police he’d be there when they arrived, possibly waiting outside. When police appeared on the scene they found the boy with his hands in the air out in front of the house, and inside were his dead father and dead great aunt, and a critically injured grandmother, all three attacked with a dull butter knife and a small piece of twine.
Continue reading 14 year old kills most of his family with a butter knife and a small piece of twine
If you keep telling them to bring guns, they will eventually start shooting.
UPDATE (7:50pm Central):
There has been a lot of confusion in details, partly because of the usual blinding incompetence of anyone major news networks deem worthy of putting in front of a camera, partly because the press conference at a hospital will not cover information about those transported to other hospitals or directly to a morgue, and partly because of the high tolerance of those delivering and watching the news to inaccuracy. There is really no other reason for the basic facts to be so incorrect for so long at a highly secured crime scene.
Anyway, the following appears to be pretty accurate, though the exact number wounded remains a bit of a guess.
Suspected Shooter: Jared Lee Loughner
Second Suspected Suspect: Unidentified white male
Weapon: 9mm Glock Model 19 handgun with a 30-round magazine
Killed (6):
-John Roll, 63, a federal district court judge.
-Gabriel Zimmerman, 30, Giffords’ director of community outreach
-Dorwin Stoddard, 76, a pastor at Mountain Ave. Church of Christ.
-Christina Greene, 9, a student at Mesa Verde Elementary
-Dorothy Morris, 76
-Phyllis Schneck, 79
1) U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Arizona
2-14) Unidentified UPDATED: two more than yesterday claimed to be wounded
UPDATE: Giffords is out of surgery but in critical condition. Six were killed. Some information about the shooter is becoming available: Jared Lee Loughner. He had a YouTube channel (see quote below) clearly indicating a very disturbed individual with leanings pretty much as one might expect.
Reporters are, right or wrong (who knows?) using the phrase “bullet through the brain” in relation to Gifford’s injuries. ADDED: The doctor at the hospital news conference states he is optimistic about the outcome. He states that the bullet went through and through, through her brain. He also mentioned that the one dead is a child (9 yrs old). (The number of dead, as usual, fluctuates up and down. Judge John Roll is also dead.)
From HuffPo:
Sarah Palin has posted a statement on Facebook in response to the Arizona shooting involving Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.
Palin writes:
“My sincere condolences are offered to the family of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the other victims of today’s tragic shooting in Arizona.
On behalf of Todd and my family, we all pray for the victims and their families, and for peace and justice.”
There is no evidence at this time that the shooting of Giffords was politically motivated, but it’s grimly ironic that the candidate appeared on a map of House Democrats “targeted” by Palin in 2010.
The map controversially used actual target markers on locations these Democrats lived and listed their names.
back to the original post…
We don’t know if this is Michel Bachmann’s Teabaggers shooting Democrats yet, but there are perfectly valid reasons to consider that possibility while investigating the horrific events unfolding as we speak in Arizona.
Representative Gabrielle Giffords, third term Democrat, has been shot in the head, and may or may not have died as of this writing, and several other shot and some killed, at an event in Tuscon.
Giffords, who was re-elected to a third term in November, was hosting a “Congress on Your Corner” event at a Safeway in northwest Tucson when a gunman ran up and started shooting, according to Peter Michaels, news director of Arizona Public Media.
The suspect fired indiscriminately from about four feet away, Michaels said. A congressional official told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity that the gunman was using an automatic weapon.
The suspect ran off and was tackled by a bystander. He was taken into custody. Witnesses described him as in his late teens or early 20s. Federal, state and local law enforcement authorities in Arizona are investigating the shooting.
Remember that the Congresswoman’s office was attacked violently by teabaggers during the election.
Anybody know anything else yet?
House Speaker John Boner made a statement about being horrified. Perhaps he should just shut up.
UPDATE: Final words on the shooter’s final video on his YouTube account:]
“In conclusion, reading the second United States Constitution, I can’t trust the current government because of the ratification: the government is implying mind control and brainwash on the people by controllin grammar.
No! I won’t pay debt… with a currency that’s not backed by gold and silver!
No! I won’t trust in God!”
Here’s one of his videos:
Clay Duke: The Latest Poster Boy for Gun Control
1) Clay Duke tried to kill several school board members, but missed from a distance of between 6 and 8 feet with his Smith & Wesson pistol. Indeed, over 25 rounds were fired in the small public space, all aimed from a short distance, and only one fatal shot occurred. This puts an end to the idea that if everyone in every public meeting had a pistol that the bad guys would be easily dispatched.
2) Duke had previously been in trouble for a gun related stalking event in which he actually discharged a firearm. Only in a society with very little serious concern over gun ownership could a clearly mentally unstable man who had previously fired a gun in the commission of a crime still be allowed to have a pistol.
3) Once again, a major story in which firearms were used and the press has not even posed the question as to where the firearm came from, if it was legally owned, etc. I know Florida is a fairly lawless state when it comes to guns, but it is still an important issue. What nefarious force causes reporters to be unable to answer this question? Does the gun lobby really control that much advertising in standard news outlets?
4) Duke was, clearly a teabagger, given what we know of his politics. So this particular incident can be chalked up as yet another violent right winger. At least he did the right thing in the end, I suppose.
We need stricter gun laws.
Samuel Hengel. So, who’s gun did he use to kidnap the children and kill himself?
Samuel Hengel is, or should I say was, a mentally disturbed, probably depressed student in a rural area of Wisconsin who showed up at school yesterday with a pistol. He used the firearm to hold the teacher and students in one of his classes for several hours. (details here)
Scary part (well, there’s several scary parts): He actually fired the weapon a few times and kept everyone in the room for something like an hour or an hour and a half before school authorities were aware that there was a problem.
Anyway, he fired his weapon a number of times, shooting various objects, and finally on one of those occasions police stormed the room and Hengel shot himself. The word has just come down that he died in hospital of the self inflicted wound.
So yes, Samuel Hengel wins this week’s Poster Boy for Gun Control Award. But what we really, really need to know is this: Where did he get the damn guns (there were two pistols)? A related question: Why is it not routine for reporters to insist on knowing, and thus reporting, this fact in cases of rampage, school shooting, or other violent acts involving a firearm? Sometimes we find out, sometimes we don’t. In this case, no one is saying anything about it,and that’s fairly typical. The current story mentions “where” the weapons may have come from only in the context of how he got them from a hiding place outside the classroom, into the classroom. The real question is this: What is the name of the adult who owned the two pistols Hengel used?
Gun control. I used to be against it. Then I was indifferent. Now I’m realizing that we need it big time, because people are too stupid to be trusted to behave intelligently (is that a tautology? sorry..) without strict regulation from society, when it comes down to it.
Prove me wrong.
PS: This is a great example of how arming principals and teachers and janitors and stuff would have little effect. They didn’t even know it was happening. If the teacher in the room was known or suspected to be armed, he may have shot her dead first, instead of merely blowing away the projector.
Gun control anyone?
I dare you to tell me that this is not an argument for stricter control over access to firearms:
Continue reading Gun control anyone?