Thwarting another attack on climate science, Michael Mann releases his own emails

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You’ve heard about the “scientific method.” If your memory is excellent, and you took a lot of science classes in American schools, you learned two of them, because life science textbooks and physical science textbooks teach somewhat different concepts called “scientific method.” If you study the history of science, even at a superficial level, or … Continue reading Thwarting another attack on climate science, Michael Mann releases his own emails

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Honestly, New York Times? You are entitled to publish all the opinions, but not to endorse your own facts!

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Honestly, it is hard to have an honest conversation about science with science obstructors or deniers. That is how you know you are conversing with a denier. You try to have the conversation, and it gets derailed by cherry picking, misdirection, faux misunderstanding, or lies. I don’t care how far a person is from understanding … Continue reading Honestly, New York Times? You are entitled to publish all the opinions, but not to endorse your own facts!

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How the IPCC becomes a climate change denial tool

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About once a day, someone tells me that human caused climate change is not real because this or that thing in the latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) contradicts something I, or some other scientists or science writer, has said. I’ve noticed an uptick in references to the IPCC report by … Continue reading How the IPCC becomes a climate change denial tool

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Royal Society Puts Matt Ridley And His Friends On Notice

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The Royal Society is the world’s oldest extant scientific society. And, it is a place where scientific controversy has a home. Both Huxley and Wilberforce were members back in the 19th century, when young Darwin’s ideas were first being knocked around. More recently, just a few weeks ago, the Royal Society accidentally agreed to host … Continue reading Royal Society Puts Matt Ridley And His Friends On Notice

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The Argument Against Anthropogenic Climate Change Is On Drugs

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First, a note on Lewis Carrol, Alice and Wonderland, and drugs. The current revisionist version of that work is that Carrol was not referring to drugs when he has Alice or other characters imbibe or smoke various substances (including ‘shrooms) and in so doing experience dramatic changes in reality. Uh huh, sure. The argument is … Continue reading The Argument Against Anthropogenic Climate Change Is On Drugs

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The War On Science: What It Is And How To Win It

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Thinker, writer, and independent scholar Shawn Otto has written an important book called “The War on Science: Who’s Waging It, Why It Matters, What We Can Do About It” (Milkweed Editions, publisher) Read this book now, and act on what you learn from it, for the sake of your own future and the future of … Continue reading The War On Science: What It Is And How To Win It

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The reason Hillary Clinton has cinched the nomination

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This is an excellent moment to revel in the complexity of life, and argument, and to appreciate the value of the honest conversation. A candidate is the presumed nominee when she or he obtains the required number of pledged delegates to be at 50% plus a fraction in the total pledged delegate count. This is … Continue reading The reason Hillary Clinton has cinched the nomination

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Putting the “Ex” in “Exxon”: AGU asked to dump big oil sponsorship

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It is all about the honest conversation. And the dishonest conversation. Corporate Funding of the Research Endeavor: Good Corporations have an interest in research. They use this research for profit or to minimize liability. Some corporations have their own researchers, some provide grants to scientists to conduct research, and some fund activities that might not … Continue reading Putting the “Ex” in “Exxon”: AGU asked to dump big oil sponsorship

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Attacking Climate Science and Scientists

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You are a scientists and you are doing two things. First, you have finished a preliminary study and submitted a grant proposal based on your evolving idea about something, and you have just submitted a related paper to a peer reviewed journal. Well, OK, that’s a bunch of things, but they are all related to … Continue reading Attacking Climate Science and Scientists

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