Even before the dust settled, we knew Amy Klobuchar would be a candidate for Senator representing Minnesota.
Amy might be a somewhat centrist Senator, but she”s OUR somewhat centrist Senator!
In Search of Sungudogo by Greg Laden, now in
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Are we being politically correct this season? Puhleeze, spare me the bullshit.
Depends what you mean by “politically correct”.
If you mean it in the way the term was originally crafted: essentially, don’t be a dick by acting/speaking racist, bigoted, discriminatory, … (in short: be a decent person), then yes, we are.
If you mean it in the way the right has dishonestly woven it (you can’t say anything about women or minorities but dissing straight white men is fair game) — then no, that’s not it at all.
What was your point?
What are you talking about, Leta? Please spare me the vagueness.