Ohio Republican Surrenders To Teh Gay, Goes Straight To Hell, Everyone Cheers

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What with the lid coming off the entire Patriarchy and #VAW being taken more seriously than ever, let us not forget the perennial Gay Republican Man who hates himself and his gayness, and gets caught.

Wesley Goodman is a cookie cutter right wing yahoo, recently elected as the Republican representative of the Ohio 87th House district. He was the managing director of the Consevative Action Project. He was supported early on by the Family Research Council until they withdrew support in 2015 after Goodman was quietly accused of sexual assault on an 18 year old man. He was elected anyway, and the allegations of his earlier assault were never developed. Goodman later ran for office again, and won. He is well known for being a “traditional marriage” supporter and generally anti LGBTetc.

Then he literally got caught with his pants down, in his office, or maybe the guy he was with had his pants down, I don’t actually know the details at that level.

On the strength of in flagrante delicto el dente, Goodman resigned.

Then, several dozen people came forward to reveal that he had inappropriately come on to them. These were mostly college age men, but some younger, that he would befriend, and eventually, make moves on. Often, the lead up would involve social media such as Facebook. There were dick pics.

Go here to learn all about this talky-stalky in an article written by one of Goodman’s targets.

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13 thoughts on “Ohio Republican Surrenders To Teh Gay, Goes Straight To Hell, Everyone Cheers

  1. Another case of self -immolation or a graduate
    of the Anthony Weiner Institute of Public
    Communication and Transparency.

  2. What a surprise, another Demco is linked
    to sexual abuse. Clearly, this indicates that
    any level of morals is not a priority nor
    a high standard for their character.

    [Crazy right wing yahoo link deleted]

  3. “not a Dean approved website”

    No, the ones you visit aren’t. When you reference sites where writers and posters routinely spout racist views, express support for hate groups (KKK, Nazis, white supremacists, etc) — I don’t approve. In fact, decent people in general don’t approve.

    I will point out that despite your claim that you denounce bad acts by people regardless of their political affiliations — you’ve never done it, and didn’t do it here. Once again, you demonstrate your complete lack of integrity.

    1. “I will point out that despite your claim that you denounce bad acts by people regardless of their political affiliations — you’ve never done it, and didn’t do it here. Once again, you demonstrate your complete lack of integrity.”

      Your Deanship, please read the second post above yours!

      A retraction or an apology is in order. The former or the
      latter, it your option.

  4. Your Deanship, another moral(less) Progresso
    Pervert is exposed.

    [Crazy right wing yahoo link deleted]

    Another deviant of the truth; fraudster and leftwinger shill.

    Just for record, I have mentioned Old Man Bushneck,
    former Gov Mark Sanford (R), now shamefully a member
    of the House and Rep Burton (R) whom engaged in
    A. Weiner sextexting. All of those men have questionable
    questionable moral codes.

    Let me add two more Conservatives to this list. Bill
    Ailes and show host Bill “auto parts” O’Reilly.

    But, overwhelmingly, the perversion favorites the
    Progressoes or should I say, Socshevikes.

    More shoes and eight pins dropping, coming to a
    neighborhood near you.

    America’s moral compass is broken.

  5. Let’s forget that this all started in an effort
    to destroy Fox & Hound News. How it has
    come back to deliver justice to ALL immoral

    Your Deanship, I will say, that The Gateway Pundit
    has all too many hyped introduction titles. It
    reduces their image and professional standings.

  6. A Maoisota “Icon”, Garrison Keillor, is the latest sex pervert
    charged with improprieties. Packing thousands to theaters
    and his radio show, folks behind the scene said he
    was not a very pleasant person to work with.

    His Prairie Home Companion is now being replaced
    with, Fallen Go Home Companion.

    He will now retire to his mystical town of Lake Wobegon.

    Should all of these sex addicts seek treatment at the
    Anthony Weiner Institute for Deviant Behavior? Should
    they register as sex offenders? Should they be treated
    by Dr Phil or Dr Jerry Springer?

    The Chinese are referring to this as, The year of Groping
    and Feeling.

    https://www.mprnews.org/story/2017/11/29/garrison-keillor-says-mpr-fired-over-alleged-improper-behavior (Dean approved website, as it is supported
    bi working Americans mandated tax funding)

    More to come – Tapper your kegs before it is too late.

    The moral of the story – is simply morals.

  7. Dean, hear is the score. Leftwingers 17 – Rightwingers 2
    [Crazy right wing yahoo link deleted]

    Where are the Feminists ? Where are the Progressos on this

  8. Why, Hell, Professor Laden would it not be
    easier just to delete my account?

    Censor Laden said “[Crazy right wing yahoo link deleted]”

    All the hallmarks of radical leftists, when they not
    able to combat the truth.

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