Daily Archives: June 7, 2012

Peter Gleick Reinstated

Peter Gleick has been reinstated in his position as president of the Pacific Institute.

The Pacific Institute is pleased to welcome Dr. Peter Gleick back to his position as president of the Institute. An independent review conducted by outside counsel on behalf of the Institute has supported what Dr. Gleick has stated publicly regarding his interaction with the Heartland Institute. This independent investigation has further confirmed and the Pacific Institute is satisfied that none of its staff knew of or was involved in any way.

Dr. Gleick has apologized publicly for his actions, which are not condoned by the Pacific Institute and run counter to the Institute’s policies and standard of ethics over its 25-year history. The Board of Directors accepts Dr. Gleick’s apology for his lapse in judgment. We look forward to his continuing in the Pacific Institute’s ongoing and vital mission to advance environmental protection, economic development, and social equity.

“I am glad to be back and thank everyone for continuing their important work at the Pacific Institute during my absence,” said Dr. Gleick in a statement. “I am returning with a renewed focus and dedication to the science and research that remain at the core of the Pacific Institute’s mission.”

Philip Tobias 1925-2012

Philip Tobias passed away this morning, according to a mutual friend. I’ve not heard any details.

Tobias is the most important hominid anatomist to have lived in the 20th and early 21st century, having taken the chair originally established by Raymond Dart at Wits University. He literally defined several of the hominids, being the anatomist to author the official diagnosis of several species. He was also a human rights champion, an excellent poet and decent singer and performer, an excellent teacher, a great friend, a strong and central personality in human evolution and unbelievably demure and humble for a man of such stature.

Philip Tobias

I remember the first time I met him. I was standing in the lobby of the Peabody Musuem, where we were hosting an LSB Leakey Foundation Event. I had just seen off Gordon Getty and his staff who were heading for lunch, ridden down the elevator with Yo-Yo Ma, I’m pretty sure the Presidents of two or three countries were milling around and some other stuff was going on when Mary Leakey and Philip Tobias walked up to me. I instantly dropped all the other names and gave them my full attention.

“We heard you might be able to drive us to the bookstore,” one of them said. “Harvard Square is meant to have some good ones.”

I thought for a moment and it occurred to me that I might not be a normal graduate student because I hadn’t soiled myself yet. Truth is, I wasn’t, having had a normal live before I started the project of Piling it Higher and Deeper.

“I can,” I replied. “My pickup is out in front, but it has a miniature cab. One of you will have to ride bitch.”

They walked to the bookstore.

The last time I met Philip was in his lab at Wits. I’ve told part of that story before, so I won’t bother you with it now.

RIP Philip. Thank you for everything.

Greek Nazi MP Violently Assaults Fellow MP on TV

Golden Dawn is the Greek Political party that is widely considered to be a modern Nazi party. They took a handful of seats in recent elections. You will remember that I helped to support petitions to close down the Golden Dawn web site, not because I wanted to “violate their first amendment rights” but because their party and their web site advocated violence against “immigrants” and others with whom they disagree. And, because they are Nazis. Personally, I’m not that big on protecting the rights of Nazis. Or, perhaps I should refer to what a friend of mine who is a political activist here in the Twin Cites, and who happens to be Jewish, said to me last night: “Afford them the rights that they would afford you.” Anyway, there were those in Greece who, alarmed at my activism against the Nazis, investigated me, and seeing various links between me, Harvard, the Masons, the Illuminati, and so on, decided that I am the Anti-Christ. (Again, referring to my activist friend, “Well, you do fit the profile…” But I digress….)

Anyway, now we have further evidence of the Nazis being just plain bad. Several hours ago, on morning TV ANT1, Golden Dawn/Nazi MP Ilias Kasidiaris punched out MP Liana Lanelli. Watch: Continue reading Greek Nazi MP Violently Assaults Fellow MP on TV