Tag Archives: Kasidiaris

Greek Nazi MP Violently Assaults Fellow MP on TV

Golden Dawn is the Greek Political party that is widely considered to be a modern Nazi party. They took a handful of seats in recent elections. You will remember that I helped to support petitions to close down the Golden Dawn web site, not because I wanted to “violate their first amendment rights” but because their party and their web site advocated violence against “immigrants” and others with whom they disagree. And, because they are Nazis. Personally, I’m not that big on protecting the rights of Nazis. Or, perhaps I should refer to what a friend of mine who is a political activist here in the Twin Cites, and who happens to be Jewish, said to me last night: “Afford them the rights that they would afford you.” Anyway, there were those in Greece who, alarmed at my activism against the Nazis, investigated me, and seeing various links between me, Harvard, the Masons, the Illuminati, and so on, decided that I am the Anti-Christ. (Again, referring to my activist friend, “Well, you do fit the profile…” But I digress….)

Anyway, now we have further evidence of the Nazis being just plain bad. Several hours ago, on morning TV ANT1, Golden Dawn/Nazi MP Ilias Kasidiaris punched out MP Liana Lanelli. Watch: Continue reading Greek Nazi MP Violently Assaults Fellow MP on TV