Tag Archives: Vampire squid

Behold The Vampire Squid

i-afb80680dc07814fd6040d7815ba0f59-vampiresquid.jpgNormally, I keep my blog away from Squid and other cephalopods because I know that if PZ myers feels threatened, he may charge, and the squiggly molluscs are his bailiwick.But, this evening at the Laden household analog of the dinner table, the question came up: “How many species of cephalopods are there, anyway? Huh?”So I went on line to look, and before I got anywhere near the answer to this interesting question, I came across the Vampire Squid, Vampyroteuthis infernalis. This turns out to be an animal of great extremes….http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Vampyroteuthis_infernalis.html Continue reading Behold The Vampire Squid