Tag Archives: conference

Thinking Rationally About Climate Change, at FTBConscience

John Abraham, of St. Thomas University, and I have a running conversation about climate change … the science, communication about the science, the politics, etc. … and we are going to package this conversation in a one hour session at FTBConscience, an on line conference, Saturday Morning at 9:00, July 20th.

Details are here.

Join us as we discuss the latest news and events related to climate change, such as what is happening in the Arctic, deep in the Oceans, with the Jet Stream and weather extremes, some recent research on glacial melting and sea level rise, and so on.

And, we’ll also talk about science denialism and the latest trends in anti-science pseudo-skepticism.

There will be a chat room so you can toss us questions. See you there!