Harvey The Hurricane: Truly Climate Change Enhanced

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Harvey the Invisible Rabbit: Did not exist. This is a picture of some men. Since they are men, they have some abilities. They can, for example, knock each other over, and they can play with balls. This is what men do, and this is what these men can do. This is a picture of some … Continue reading Harvey The Hurricane: Truly Climate Change Enhanced

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Is Harvey a failure of the assumption that we’ll adapt to climate change?

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There are two reasons that it is fortunate that the death toll for Harvey is very low, compared to similar size storms at other times and at other places (zero at the time I first wrote this, a few confirmed, maybe ten or so suspected three days after landfall).. One is that all those people … Continue reading Is Harvey a failure of the assumption that we’ll adapt to climate change?

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Dear New York Times: Climate Change Is Real

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I’ve been meaning to write a letter to the New York Times I just wrote this letter to the New York Times about their very wrong decision to add a climate science denier to their editorial staff. When they were recently challenged about this idea, the response was, paraphrasing, “millions of people believe this man … Continue reading Dear New York Times: Climate Change Is Real

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Donald S. Beyer Letter to Lamar Smith on Climate Change Hearings of March 2017

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Behold the following letter from Representative Donald S. Beyer in reference to the recent House Science, Space, and Technology hearing “Climate Science: Assumptions, Policy, Implications, and Scientific Method” held last month (Warning Big File): Beyer Fact Check – Submitted April 11 Here is a smaller, much abbreviated and much less fun version of the letter, … Continue reading Donald S. Beyer Letter to Lamar Smith on Climate Change Hearings of March 2017

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How the IPCC becomes a climate change denial tool

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About once a day, someone tells me that human caused climate change is not real because this or that thing in the latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) contradicts something I, or some other scientists or science writer, has said. I’ve noticed an uptick in references to the IPCC report by … Continue reading How the IPCC becomes a climate change denial tool

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Broadcast Media Dropped The Climate Change Ball in 2016 UPDATED

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Media Matters has an amazing and rather depressing report out on the way broadcast media in the US covered climate change. I’m going to give you a handful of bullet points that reflect only some of the results of this detailed study, then you go read it. <li>Bottom line: Coverage in 2016 was a fraction … Continue reading Broadcast Media Dropped The Climate Change Ball in 2016 UPDATED

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Climate Change Elevator Pitches

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Rob Honeycutt is famous for his many contributions, at Skeptical Science, in the comment threats on my blog, and elsewhere, in defense of climate science, where that defense is largely against the deniers of science and damagers of civilization. (He is also the guy who makes these famous messenger bags) He deserves a lot of … Continue reading Climate Change Elevator Pitches

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Mark Seeley and Mark Kulda: Climate Change Costs You Money

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A while back I reviewed “Climate Change: What Everyone Needs To Know” by Joe Romm (see my review here). In that book Romm provides useful advice to help people understand the impact of climate change on them, on various aspects of their lives. For example, many people choose to retire to a specific habitat and … Continue reading Mark Seeley and Mark Kulda: Climate Change Costs You Money

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Climate change is real, it is a problem, and it is getting worse

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The year 2016 was messy and expensive and full of climate change enhanced weather disasters. There were, according to Jeff Masters and Bob Henson, over 30 billion dollar disasters last year. This is the fourth-largest number on record going back to 1990, said insurance broker Aon Benfield in their Annual Global Climate and Catastrophe Report … Continue reading Climate change is real, it is a problem, and it is getting worse

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Chile’s Devastating Fires: Another Climate Change Story

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There have been significant wildfires in Chile since November, and they continue. These are the worst fires Chile has seen in known history, and Chile has been keeping track of its history for quite a while. Are these fires climate change caused? Apparently so. Chile has had a rain deficit for well over a decade, … Continue reading Chile’s Devastating Fires: Another Climate Change Story

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Trump’s orders = two steps back on climate change

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The science is clear: Human caused global warming is happening and is serious. Building and expanding infrastructure to make it easier to burn fossil fuels is a very bad idea. The Keystone XL pipeline and the Dakota Access pipeline were two such projects, and in recent years, the environmental community, politicians, and others managed to … Continue reading Trump’s orders = two steps back on climate change

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Evangelicals and Climate Change

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The term “Evangelical” is a bit of a moving goal post. But, there is a strong association between Evangelical and getting climate science totally wrong in a way that is actually materially damaging to our planet and to future generations. So, it is not hard to be angry at Evangelicals because they are ruining it … Continue reading Evangelicals and Climate Change

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The Best and Most Current Climate Change Books

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Time to make sure you are stocked up and up to date on your climate science books. First, you will need reference materials throughout the holiday season, because Uncle Bob is going to challenge you more stridently than usual. Climate change deniers have taken over the US government. You are on the run. Underground. Up … Continue reading The Best and Most Current Climate Change Books

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An Evangelical’s Guide to Climate Change

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My friend Paul Douglas calls himself an albino unicorn. He is a Republican (one of my few Republican friends!) and an evangelical Christian (one of my few evangelical Christian friends!) who is extremely well informed about climate change, and who acts on a day to day basis as a climate warrior, informing people of the … Continue reading An Evangelical’s Guide to Climate Change

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The Big Winner in the Second POTUS Debate: Climate Change!

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Climate change is a settled issue. It is now widely and recognized as real, and as one of the top, if not THE top, existential problems the world faces today. Americans want climate change stopped, and they want the next version of the US Government, the one that starts in January, 2017, to work hard … Continue reading The Big Winner in the Second POTUS Debate: Climate Change!

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