A while back I reviewed Cranky Uncle vs Climate Change by Dr. John “Skeptical Science” Cook.
Since then a lot has been happening on the Cranky Uncle front, and I thought I should catch you up.
John, in cooperation with Facebook and Yale Climate Connection, has created the Facebook Climate Science Information Center. It is HERE. There is an article about this effort HERE.
There is a Cranky Uncle game for your smart phone, which you can get HERE.
Teachers can use the Cranky Uncle game in their classroom (K12 through College) by filling out THIS HERE form.
Also, related, there is a new version of The Conspiracy Handbook by Lewandowsky and Cook, which you can get HERE.
John Cook, author of Cranky Uncle vs. Climate Change: How to Understand and Respond to Climate Science Deniers, is a George Mason University expert in climate communication working with Facebook, said research shows that simply saying information is wrong is not enough. “You also have to explain why or how it is wrong. That is important from a psychological point of view,” Cook said of the new “myth-busting” section of the climate portal.