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Ah, a riff on “America, love it or leave it.” Amusing. Unfortunately, they probably are thinking more along the lines of changing it.
I hope Trump’s military supporters aren’t expecting him or his people to spend much time, effort, or money on patching them up physically or mentally from the results of the combat they seem to be set at getting into. War is so useful for scapegoating, fostering paranoia, passing restrictive laws, and further enriching corporations. The Bush admin. got us all the way to accepting torture as normal so we’re already partway there.
Good gravy, the OP IS INSULTING the folks whom
secured his freedoms to make such a asinine thread.
Way to go GL, what a masterpiece.
So are you saying that no one in the military can be wrong? Not about anything? Not wrong about anything? About Trump? Really? And here I thought that one of those freedoms was free speech. That includes pointing out disagreements and making comments about them.
Were you in the military Billy? I remember the people I knew as having a variety of different opinions about various things — including politics. I doubt that the military is different now in that respect.
Tyvor Wynn, the OP’s thread was not about disagreements nor making comments but
rather a slur to those he opposes.
It would be no different that a similar thread axing former President Obama supporters
to move to Kenya. (insulting)
It confirms that the OP is a Mueller groupie.
You must have missed the living in or even reading about the 1950s and 60s if you think that this is the first time that it’s been strongly suggested that people who espouse something considered un-American leave the country. It’s practically an American tradition.
Re: “… was not about disagreements nor making comments but
rather a slur to those he opposes.”
Slur, you say. Well you have exactly described Trumpian rhetoric. And of course he applied it to people who disagreed with him and even made it clear that violent reprisals were in order. I heard some of those speeches so don’t bother to deny it. Or does he get a special dispensation?
Re: “It would be no different that a similar thread axing [sic] former President Obama supporters to move to Kenya. (insulting)”
Of course it would be different. For one thing, the former president did not have Kenya or any other foreign country spreading false information under false pretenses through social media in order to help elect him.
Oh, I get it. Mueller is getting a little too close to the truth for you. That’s it isn’t it? Yeah, we should just let subversion of our elections by a foreign country slide without any investigation. Uh huh.
Mr Wynn, yes asking American to leave is common in the USA but
not military folks who are willing and ready to die for this nation, both
left and right.
” Well you have exactly described Trumpian rhetoric. And of course he applied it to people who disagreed with him and even made it clear that violent reprisals were in order.”
Since I do not believe you, please give a single cite? Easy, eh!
“Oh, I get it. Mueller is getting a little too close to the truth for you. That’s it isn’t it? Yeah, we should just let subversion of our elections by a foreign country slide without any investigation. Uh huh.”
A handful of Russians after a year or more of “investigations.” And how convenient you forgot about Big O’s messing with elections in Isreal!?!? Gestapo Mueller, is a
nothingburger; has and always will be, which explains why he has been a lifetime
US government employee. Unemployable in the private sector.