We’re gonna need a better tin foil hat (MIT invents X-ray Glasses!)

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Those zany researchers at MIT are up to their usual shenanigans. They have come up with a device, which they call “our device,” that sees through walls. Here is a video of how it works, complete with background music to make you feel perfectly comfortable with it:

Here’s their web site. Here is a LARGE FILE PDF with their paper describing the research.

This is not new, but has been under development for a few years. But the work is progressing. I’m hoping this will lead to the development of the ultimate stud finder. I the meantime, I’m sure other applications will be discovered.

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15 thoughts on “We’re gonna need a better tin foil hat (MIT invents X-ray Glasses!)

  1. Magma, I was looking for a scene from Flashpoint where they are looking inside a building from the outside, through the walls. Couldn’t find it. Might have imagined it.

    Brainstorms, I’m sure she is.

  2. Forget the tin foil hats.
    Maybe people are just getting dumber due to global warming.
    At least that’s what Al Gore is saying.

  3. See also radar, thermal, and terahertz imaging for minding somebody else’s business… through walls.

  4. They used something similar in an episode of Continuum, and I think they used it in Arrow as well(??), although in both it was advanced versions of this.

  5. To dean #8:

    I’ve mislead you.
    Al Gore hasn’t actually said, as far as I know, that global warming is making people dumber.

    But, as far as I know, Al Gore IS pointing to a study by Harvard folks, which he thinks is important, which says CO2 is making people dumb…, er, is negatively impacting their cognition.

    As far as I know, Al tweeted this:
    “Important piece by Joe Romm @thinkprogress on the direct, negative impact CO2 has on human cognition & decision makinghttp://ow.ly/TS2jA
    — Al Gore (@algore) October 26, 2015”

    And, as far as I know, Al also thinks CO2 is causing global warming, hence #5 above.

  6. sn, it’s good to know you are still as dishonest and unashamed of your ignorance as you’ve always been. Gore probably does think CO2 is causing climate change, and if he were the only one it wouldn’t matter, since he isn’t a scientist. The fact that massive amounts of research has convinced the science community that climate change is occurring and that our actions are primarily (overwhelmingly) responsible is important.

    Your lies and lack of understanding – lack of any attempt to educate yourself – won’t change that.

  7. Climate change or not, we all know MIT cheetah robot can now jump over obstacles. This is undeniable, end of story.

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