Rush Limbaugh In Charge Of GOP
Rush Limbaugh, the de facto leader of the Republican Party, fires Mitt RomneyWe all know Rush Limbaugh is the Godfather of the Republican Party. You listen to him, and do what he says, or you’re out. People often say that the President of the United States is the “leader of the free world.” No, sorry. If the POTUS is a Republican, Rush Limbaugh becomes the leader of the free world. Can you think of a scarier thought than Rush Limbaugh calling the shots for the entire planet Earth?
(I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. But I digress.)
Anyway, even when the President is not a Republican, Rush still runs the Republican party. He is now in charge of both the Senate and the House, because if you are a Senator or a House rep, and a Republican, you do what Rush says or you are out.
Similarly, Rush Limbaugh is the gatekeeper for the Republican Party’s process of putting up candidate for president.
Not long ago, Mitt Romney seemed to be indicating that he was thinking about running for President. Shortly after that, he indicated that he thought Anthropogenic Global Warming was for real and important. Then Rush said this:
Rush Limbaugh Ends Mitt Romney’s Presidential Aspirations over Global Warming
Then, Romney said this:
‘After putting considerable thought into making another run for president, I’ve decided it is best to give other leaders in the party the opportunity to become our next nominee.”
And so, in this manner Rush Limbaugh has fired Mitt Romney.
I hate the expression, “Grow a pair.” But, really, Republicans, do grow a pair when you get a chance. This is embarrassing.
Peter Sinclair has the whole story and more, here: One Week after Acknowledging Climate – Romney Out of Race
Elections matter!
LOL, the Republicans will never “grow a pair” the labour under the delusion they already have the biggest. Limpballs actually did progressives a favour by getting Romney out of the race as on the face of it he was one of the more “sane” and “presentable” . I wonder what went down in the meeting the other week between Jeb Bush and Romney.
I’d say a better way of putting it would be the alternative phrase “grow an spine or backbone.” But otherwise – yes. Although its more than just embarrassing its actually really damaging and not just to his own side. To make this issue needlessly polarised and deliberately hold back progress in an area where we’ve already stalled far too long doing far too much damage, means when (if?!) we do finally act we’ll have to take more extreme actions and cut back much harsher and quicker than if we’d acted, say back in the 1980’s more gradually and we’ll have less chance to avert and mitigate some serious problems.
I wonder what it will take to end the malign Limbaugh influence on US politics? Its worked out so badly for them and the rest of us too.
I take it you don’t listen to Rush’s program much do you? If you did, you’d realize he is very frequently disapproving of what elected republicans do and stand for. And elected republicans are frequently doing things exactly opposite of what Rush would endorse or advise. Rush running the GOP? That assertion is nearly infantile. Grow a pair? sure, as soon as you grow some synapses.
If you were addressing that to me , well I’m an Aussie and no he doesn’t get broadcast here nor does that type of shock jockery appeal to me. We (Aussies) have our own equivalents in the likes of Andrew Bolt and Alan Jones although not really quite so powerful.
How much Greg Laden listens to Limbaugh , I don’t know. I don’t think he’d recommend it but he’s probably herad and gathered enough.
{Limbaugh} ” …is very frequently disapproving of what elected republicans do and stand for. And elected republicans are frequently doing things exactly opposite of what Rush would endorse or advise.”
Care to provide some examples here to back up your claims?