So if you are 28 years old or younger, you’ve never experienced a cooler than average month. If you live on Earth.
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8 thoughts on “How many months in a row has global temperature been above average?”
Only if you spend your life traveling all over the world; even then, this is not likely.
So if you are 28 years old or younger, you’ve never experienced a cooler than average month. If you live on Earth.
By my estimate 5,000 bc was about 84,156 months ago, which rather trumps 342 (even assuming the warmist figure was in some way truthful which has not been proven).
What is the average based on? 150 years? 2,000 years? 500,000 years? On a climate scale, I suggest anything less than 5,000 years wouldn’t mean much. Based on this, we’re pretty normal.
The average Paul is using here is the climate average of recent years while records were kept. But if you want back 5,000 years the only other warm period is the Midlevel Warm Period which is not as warm as it is now, so that wouldn’t pertain. You would need to go back 120-something thousand years to get to the last interglacial. At this point I’m not sure about all of the last three decades and we can’t make year to year comparisons, but the recent post fossil fuel burning years are as a group warmer than that period of time.
At this point you’d have to go back to the Pliocene to get a chunk of years from which to compute an average that is warmer than the average of the last few decades.
You need to double-check your math. Try 28 years.
Yeah, Greg – what Dave said
I did some sums a while back but using annual averages rather than monthly.
Sixty per cent of people alive today have never ever experienced a year colder than the twentieth century average.
Almost half the people alive today haven’t experienced a year colder than the 1961-90 average.
I was doing it base 20, obviously !
Greg made a boo-boo in his arithmetic. This proves that the earth is cooling, that Obama is a Muslim and that vaccines cause autism.
Only if you spend your life traveling all over the world; even then, this is not likely.
So if you are 28 years old or younger, you’ve never experienced a cooler than average month. If you live on Earth.
By my estimate 5,000 bc was about 84,156 months ago, which rather trumps 342 (even assuming the warmist figure was in some way truthful which has not been proven).
What is the average based on? 150 years? 2,000 years? 500,000 years? On a climate scale, I suggest anything less than 5,000 years wouldn’t mean much. Based on this, we’re pretty normal.
The average Paul is using here is the climate average of recent years while records were kept. But if you want back 5,000 years the only other warm period is the Midlevel Warm Period which is not as warm as it is now, so that wouldn’t pertain. You would need to go back 120-something thousand years to get to the last interglacial. At this point I’m not sure about all of the last three decades and we can’t make year to year comparisons, but the recent post fossil fuel burning years are as a group warmer than that period of time.
At this point you’d have to go back to the Pliocene to get a chunk of years from which to compute an average that is warmer than the average of the last few decades.
The Pliocene. Look it up, wise guy.