A Thanksgiving Day Classic:
Have you read the breakthrough novel of the year? When you are done with that, try:
In Search of Sungudogo by Greg Laden, now in Kindle
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If they could fly, do you think they’d stay put and let themselves be decapitated?
*WILD* turkeys can fly…sort of…more like a controlled plummet.
On the other hand, DOMESTIC turkeys…
Actually, Wild Turkeys can fly pretty well, though they don’t usually go far. I recently saw a flock of 6 or so hens rise up from the brush on one side of a highway, fly to the other side and end up in 45 foot tall trees; they went int a pretty straight line going up the whole way.
Man alive that takes me back. Of course, I was 3 when the show first aired and 7 when it went off the air so it’s all a little hazy but I still remember parts of it really well.
My brother and I laughed ourselves silly when we saw that way back then. My first reaction now is, “How did they tow a banner behind a helicopter without it getting tangled in the blades?”. Still funny though.
We have bush turkeys in Oz that can fly quite well.
I haven’t ever seen them fly any great distance though.
Daniel: Good point!
js? I suppose it depends on how many offspring they have in their pouch at the moment.