Greek Nazis, Feeling Repressed, Start Petition

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It looks like this:

Silly me I thought that swastika thing was a swastika.

This is a response to earlier petitions. See these posts:

Take Action against the Greek Nazi Party
More Greek Nazi Related Action
The Nazis have been Repressed!

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9 thoughts on “Greek Nazis, Feeling Repressed, Start Petition

  1. Kind of a shame I actually like the greek key (meander) pattern. Course I suppose the Hindus aren’t too pleased about the Nazis use of the swastika either.

  2. Well, yes, I did notice they use a meander motif. But they cannot use the distinctive red, black and white color scheme (example) and engage in Holocaust denial without people drawing the obvious conclusions. Are we to believe that this image also shows ancient Greek symbols, possibly the eagle as Zeus’ messenger? I think not.

    The rest of the petition makes me wonder whether it’s fan-made or endorsed by the party itself. I’d expect even a neo-Nazi party would be competent enough to hire someone with passable English skills for writing its petitions.

  3. Yes, the ancient Greek pottery motif is similar to the swastika. In the overlap between late geometric pottery and early black-figure pottery, that pattern was overlapped to create multiple interlocked swastikas.

    The same pattern appears in the tiles on the floor of the Library of Congress. You don’t really notice it until you look for it.

  4. I agree it is completely off-base to call them Nazis just because their symbol looks like a swastika, or because they greet each others with the raised arm, or because they’re best buddies with the German neo-nazi party, or because their political platform is based on nationalism and fascism, or because… hey wait, that’s a very good reason.

  5. Yoritomo: The rest of the petition makes me wonder whether it’s fan-made or endorsed by the party itself. I’d expect even a neo-Nazi party would be competent enough to hire someone with passable English skills for writing its petitions.

    I’m pretty sure it is really them.

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