Have you read the breakthrough novel of the year? When you are done with that, try:
In Search of Sungudogo by Greg Laden, now in Kindle
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Links to books and other items on this page and elsewhere on Greg Ladens' blog may send you to Amazon, where I am a registered affiliate. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, which helps to fund this site.
Was the house cat named “Lunch”?
Well … I suppose that if I was a lady cat and the biggest, baddest, most clearly capable cat that I’ve ever seen, he simple blew away the local talent, came by … I might be impressed. The boy cats were likely dreading the idea of having to fight that behemoth for mating rights. They get small and hope that he both doesn’t notice them, and goes away.
Then again I might have the sexes backward and, of course, sex might not have been involved at all. Who am I kidding, of course sex is involved. Sex is what mammals do.