Good Financial News, and Romney on Burning Hair

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For the first time since George Bush ruined the economy, the Down Jones Industrial Average has closed above 13,000 points. Republicans have declared this a bad thing and blamed it on Obama. Details at 11.

In related news, unemployment is down, and consumer confidence is up, and many regional housing markets are starting to show a pulse. Republicans insist that these things must stop; they are planning impeachment proceedings against Obama.

Meanwhile, Romney breaks with Republicans on the question of being mean to Obama. Then he says some really bad things about Obama:

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11 thoughts on “Good Financial News, and Romney on Burning Hair

  1. Are you saying Obama has done a better job in unemployment, receivers of food stamps or federal debt compared to Bush?
    Let’s see….Jan 09 Bush vs Dec 2011 Obama, Unemployment 7.8% vs 8.5% nope not a winner
    Food Stamps received 32million vs 46.2million nope not a winner
    Total debt 10.6 trillion vs 15.2 trillion nope not a winner again.

    Obama’s flops include:
    1. For three plus years, Obama’s economic message has been “recovery is around the corner.” He has delivered this message from factory floors and restaurant tables. He has not spoken in front of groups of unemployed; he has not spoken at welfare offices.
    2. Like President George W. Bush before him, Obama took bold and necessary action to save the U.S. financial system in the early spring of 2009. A lot of ugly things were done. A lot of reckless people got away scot-free — in fact, richer than ever. But apocalypse was averted, so congratulations all around. Afterward though: Where was the reckoning? The administration remained focused on reassuring bankers long after it had finished the job of saving the banks.
    3. Obamacare…need I say anymore

    Bush’s accomplishments:
    1. Signed two income tax cuts, one of which was the largest dollar-value tax cut in world history.
    2. Increased the annual contribution limit on Education IRA’s from $500 to $2,000 per child.
    3. Handled himself with enormous courage, dignity, grace, determination, and leadership in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 hijackings and anthrax attacks. He almost single-handedly held this country together during those searing days.
    4. & probably the most important for us right wingers: Has reintroduced the mention of God and faith into public discourse.

    I also hope Romney does not light his hair on fire…maybe Obama only because I need a good chuckle….remember Michael Jackson & his coke commercial. 🙂
    God Bless & let’s bring back some more of the MN for Marriage ads on this site.

  2. Handled himself with enormous courage, dignity, grace, determination, and leadership in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 hijackings and anthrax attacks. He almost single-handedly held this country together during those searing days.

    Are you trolling or are you talking about a different USA president who was in office during the 9/11 attacks?

  3. Let’s see….Jan 09 Bush vs Dec 2011 Obama, Unemployment 7.8% vs 8.5% nope not a winner

    So you’re telling us that a bad month under Obama is worse than a good month under Bush.

    You picked two very specific dates, which makes any reader here suspicious. (Did you really think we’d forget how the global warming deniers use that technique again and again to try to deny global warming?)

    How does that go again?

    I’ve been employed for two years straight now; the Bush years were on-again-off-again. Tell me how that was better.

    1. Signed two income tax cuts, one of which was the largest dollar-value tax cut in world history.

    This is a good thing? Those tax cuts were the same size as those two glorious and short wars that didn’t result in any US casualties and established two prosperous and democratic nations in Asia or something. Those tax cuts led to the devaluation of the dollar and my house barely holding even in value.

    3. Handled himself with enormous courage, dignity, grace, determination, and leadership in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 hijackings and anthrax attacks. He almost single-handedly held this country together during those searing days.

    Bush had the look of a second lieutenant in his first air raid, who needed to be relieved of duty. Clinton gave him a big fat binder full of warnings about Osama Bin Laden … and he ignored the thing.

    4. & probably the most important for us right wingers: Has reintroduced the mention of God and faith into public discourse.

    Aside from being bullshit—accepting he magic sky father as true without evidence has been in public discourse for a long time—is that supposed to be better than Reagan’s use of an astrologer?

    What color is the sky on your world? Or can’t you see it because of the bridge over your head?

    1. Timberwoof did you just bring up liar liar billy. The last president caught lying under oath that escaped impeachment because he limited his testimony to just 4 hours and told stories of childhood to take up time.

  4. FWIW, at least some of the events that set in motion the Great Recession occurred during the Clinton administration. It took a tremendous bipartisan effort to create a fuck-up of these proportions, after all!

    (Of course, Bush was at the helm when the wheels finally came off [how’s that for mixed metaphor?] so that counts for something. Still, I’m not sure Gore or Kerry would have averted the crisis either. Don’t get me wrong; I would have far preferred either of them as presidents for any number of reasons. But to prevent the financial meltdown would have taken a political will to aggressively police innovative new investment strategies that I just don’t see either party even close to having right now.)

  5. Oh Dan-o,

    Whilst your outspoken love for another man, such as Dubya is, may be admirable considering the intolerant nature of your politics, as an outsider, nay, a ‘Foreigner’, I do have one small thing to mention with regards to how everybody on this planet, asides from the Repugnicans of course, value the very man who, upon being informed of the second plane hitting the WTC, chose to stay and hear the thrilling outcome of exactly what Billy-Goat Gruff was planning in Pixie Land.

    The word? – ‘Bushisms’

    So, a hundred million fundie red-necks think he’s just the most gosh-darned wonderful pay-trio-tick god-fearin’ former alcoholic they know, the rest of us seven billion know him as a president who was so renowned for saying inordinatly dumb things that a new word was invented for it.

  6. Dan-o, please stop trolling. If you actually believe your hyper biased drivel, seek professional help.

    and um,

    I also hope Romney does not light his hair on fire…maybe Obama only because I need a good chuckle….remember Michael Jackson & his coke commercial. 🙂

    The smiley doesn’t absolve you. Getting glee from imagining your ‘enemies’ in humiliating or painful situations shows you’re at best, a jerk. Also, Romney was using metaphor, I understand you may have some trouble with non-concrete language and it was a Pepsi commercial note Coke.

  7. Has reintroduced the mention of God and faith into public discourse.

    You say that like it’s a good thing.

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