Maryland Bill Passes Senate

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The Maryland house recently passed their same-sex marriage bill, and now, moments ago, the Senate has done the same thing. Governer Martin O’Malley is expected to sign it.

Go Marry-Land!


Maryland would join the District and seven states in allowing same-sex marriages. Supporters have cast the bill as a major advance in equal rights. Opponents have called it a misguided attempt to redefine the institution of marriage.

Despite one of the largest Democratic majorities in any state legislature, backers of gay marriage in Maryland had to overcome fierce opposition from blocks of African American lawmakers and those with strong Catholic and evangelical views to cobble together coalitions big enough to pass both chambers.

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7 thoughts on “Maryland Bill Passes Senate

  1. I’m willing to redefine marriage – we’ve always had the power to make our society what we want it to be.

  2. While I’m a big fan of the idea of gay marriage (and I don’t think that rights are something that should be voted on), I’d still love to see a few state referendums on the issue go our way, just so we can tell the bigots who keep harping on about “the will of the people” to go fuck themselves.

  3. “just so we can tell the bigots who keep harping on about “the will of the people” to go fuck themselves.”

    I think we already can say that. State legislatures represent the will of the state electorate. It’s not like a Maryland court is “legislating from the bench” (another right wing favorite.)

  4. I’m feeling a little bit proud of the state where I spent the first ten years of my life. Maryland, my Maryland (the state song, sung to the tune of O Tannenbaum).

  5. I think we already can say that. State legislatures represent the will of the state electorate.
    Well yeah, but if, come the next electoral cycle, a bunch of them get voted out, you know the right wing nutjobs will pull the “see! we told you!” card.

    A referendum would send a far clearer message.

    Does anyone know which states have marriage equality initiatives on the ballot this year?

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