Mayors against Guns

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3 thoughts on “Mayors against Guns

  1. I really have no problem whatsoever with registration of all firearms, but it’s going to be a complete bugger to implement for guns that are already out there.

    Improving the records keeping would mean standardizing the background check – most states just run the regular FBI NICS background check (which is pretty much instant), but some, particularly the ones who are generally anti-gun, like to do it themselves.

    California’s DOJ is so backed up, they had to extend the waiting period from 3 days to 10 and even then I’ve heard stories of the DOJ calling the store on the 11th day and asking them not to release the gun after it’s already been picked up.

    Why can’t we just make all states use the existing NICS background check system and submit the firearms serial number along with the submission information so all the data ends up in the one place without anyone having to file additional paperwork? Or would that make too much sense?

  2. What an unmitigated crock of crap!

    What does anyone imagine that registration will do except expedite confiscation?

    In the entire history of the silly 1968 Gun Control Act, dealer records of transfers have been a factor in less than 1% of crimes involving firearms where trace data was requested and the case actually went for prosecution.

    And that’s only the cases where trace data was requested. Overall, the 1968 GCA has been a factor in less than .01% of gun crimes. Wow! That’s certainly a great return on taxpayer investment!

    All these stories on television about how the police solve the crime because they magically learn through some registration database that someone has a gun are fiction. They are not true. It just doesn’t happen.

    Billions of dollars spent every year on gun control have done absolutely nothing to reduce crime, while it is liberalized gun laws that have actually decreased crime at no cost to anyone except the criminals.

    People who continue to believe in more gun control and more gun laws are deluded fools, plain and simple.

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