I’m sure it can … IF you are the lice. Otherwise, not so sure.
At Science Online 2012, Butt Girl covered this topic and in so doing did not beat around the bush. The audience ate it up. She cunningly had us wrapped around her finger. As it were.
Anyway, she’s written a bit bout this, which you can find here.
In Search of Sungudogo by Greg Laden, now in
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As nice as her posterior may or may not be somehow I think you miss typed 😛 bug not but.
“Can pubic lice enhance the sexual experience?”
Believe me – you don’t want to find out!!
I see what you did there.
michaeld, I think you have the wrong but.
I know, the noun is just more amusing then the preposition….
Rule 34?
Hahahaha. Oh well.
Ok, rule 34 states that for any topin one may choose, there is a pornographic version of that topic.
Or, as a possibly clearer formulation, for anything you can imagine, someone, somewhere, has a sexual fetish for it, and there is porn on the internet catering to that fetish.
You’ll have to take your radical reformulation of Rule 34 up with the Urban Dictionary.
I would, but for some reason they refuse to accept more than one definition from any given username or email.
Aw come on, you aren’t going to correct the spelling of “But Girl”?
At least add another T and make it sound like I’m hawt ;p