54% of Republicans, but only 38% of Democrats Think God is Helping Tebow

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OMG. As it were.

The poll is here. There is discussion here and here.

Tebow’s a football player, right? Let me guess… he’s with the Saints?

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11 thoughts on “54% of Republicans, but only 38% of Democrats Think God is Helping Tebow

  1. I have this weird-ass relationship with my Mother, where she will listen to things I say that she would never listen to from my sisters. This is a source of conflict between me and my sisters, and has everything to do with with internalized gender roles and misogyny.

    Anyway, Mom was talking about Tebow, and how great he was, and how people were ridiculing him. And I said, “Well, I think a lot of Christians are more influenced by chapter 6 of Matthew than they are by Acts.

    “What do you mean?,” says Mom.

    “Matthew 6:6 – 6:7, Mom. Don’t you know them? They’re among the most famous passages in Scripture.”

    So, later, at a family gathering, after one of these chapter-and-verse discussions with Mom where people can hear, my (nominally Christian) sister comes up to me and says, “Mom has been saying that she can finally relate to you, that you and she can have meaningful conversations. You’re so cruel.”

    I am.

  2. Nope, he’s with the Broncos. I’m torn between who I want to win the Patriots/Broncos game this week. I can’t stand the Patriots, but I can’t stand the media coverage of Tebow either. I may have to go with the lesser of two evils this week and hope the Pats whip the Broncos like they did a few weeks ago.

  3. As a life long Pats fan I’m looking forward to seeing them kick the Bronco’s ass. Of course. I’d say the same thing if Tebow wasn’t with them. I really don’t have much against one delusional but sincere and from all accounts good man as much as the Godbots using him.

  4. Those numbers make me feel unhappy about the thought processes of both Republicans and Democrats.

    As for team loyalty, I really do not get it at all. All the sports I watch largely result in my support of individuals, or teams that work well together (I mainly watch golf and curling, plus a fair bit of touring, rally and F1 racing), because I can recognize their skill. But how I feel shifts all the time as new players rise and teams change. The idea of being a lifelong fan of any constantly changing team, seemingly regardless of their skill, how they are managed, or well anything other than it being a specific team, is beyond me.

  5. I’m certain the God is helping Tebow exact as much as she is helping anyone else. That said, Go Broncos!

    @Travis: Following a team can have a lot to do with regional or group identity. It’s a bit like a religion in that aspect, except that the miracles are well documented with instant replay. ๐Ÿ™‚

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