Worst Persons

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Especially interesting Worst Persons spot:

Have you read the breakthrough novel of the year? When you are done with that, try:

In Search of Sungudogo by Greg Laden, now in Kindle or Paperback
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2 thoughts on “Worst Persons

  1. So is that a Dickens quote reference there I take it?

    Child labour, yegods! Our present Republican frontrunner – why do I get the feeling that’s going to be really temporary? Again. Like Bachmann, Perry, the fat governor of New YJersey who chose not to run, Herman Cain, whoever’s next ..and next ..and next ad nauseam .. Hard to believe they haven’t even started the Republican primaries yet and we’ve still got about a year or so to go. Sigh.

    Not so sure about that last one about the terrorist arrested for the latest bomb plot though. That’s certainly been reported a sstraight news on Aussie TV and not sure why its supposed to be anything other than a legitimate concern.

    Note that they said “*IF* he (the Jihadist terrorist) had succeeded” -then the bombing would have looked *like* this. Sounds fair enough to me & good thing they made sure he didn’t suceed. I’d have thought a terorist wannabe who wanted to kill innocent people for his murderous faith / ideology was worse than the people in charge of stopping him committing that crime surely? Right?

    1. The guy was charged in real life and in the press with planning to blow up US military facilities and police etc. etc. but he seemed to be doing little more than making a pipe bomb. Hundreds of pipe bomb plots are foiled in the US. This really does seem to be a case of the mayor blowing up a low level story for his own uses.

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