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Funny you should mention it. I finally defriended her at FB a couple of days ago, for the same sort of reason.
She At-ed me in one of her facebook rants and thus came to my attention. I can’t tell if she is the same person as this crazy person who was using a pseudo on blog threads and simultaneously crushing all over me via email and facebook and slapping me all over the place on various blogs.
For the record, I’m not in to sadomasochism. One or the other, maybe, but NOT BOTH.
Dismissed indeed.
Well, there was a lengthy discussion on TET on Pharyngula over her entry on Pharyngulawiki. She was also going on and on about this on her twitter, which links her pseudonym to her real name. So, probably the same person.
Confirmed: Maria is Blu Harmony.
I’m sorry, but I haven’t contacted you or Ophelia, or even posted about Rebecca for about three months. Someone brought it to my attention that defamatory content was posted about me in the Pharyngula Wikia. So I had it removed. I tagged you, Greg and PZ, so that you could respond as to why your friends engage in defamation, slander, libel, and other reprehensible conduct. As for you, Ophelia, I haven’t talked to or about you since the last nasty message you left on my page. As far as I know, nobody likes you, and you’re banned from every respectable blog. Also, braniacs, no one had to confirm that I was bluharmony, since it’s on my facebook page and both Ophelia and the Harvard-educated Greggie know it. BTW, everyone on Pharyngula seemed to think that the defamatory page was inappropriate, and it was immediately taken down. Oh, one more thing Ophelia, no one likes you, so get over yourself. And I lied about your writing. It’s utter shit.
Wait…I like Ophelia.
It’s just freaky weird to go on these tirades, telling other people who they like or don’t like.
Get help.
Hey, remember that one time when I called you a liar?
It’s still true.
Remember that one time when you called me a liar?
I’m still pissed.
Moar ♥♥♥ 4 Ophelia!
Pretty rich for someone who was complaining that people had the audacity to defend “a woman who sells nudie-books” over you.
So are you now admitting that your page was taken down from the Wiki, the (truthful) content you objected to removed, and that you claimed that it hadn’t without doing even a moment of research?
Ah… me here, Greg. The X Blog guy. Maria Maltseva, aka Blu Harmony is trying to make it look like she has to keep changing her name in order to post here, as though I was blocking her or something. I’m not.
She is obviously having a psychotic episode. Can’t say I didn’t see it coming (you should see the stuff she’s sent me in private over the last year or so! Wow!).
Maria, would you please settle down and use one name so people know who is saying what?
And yes, I’m insisting.
Thanks for letting people know. She’s a serious piece of work, to say the least.
Not so obvious as to be the only explanation. I think she is playing games.
We turned off the ceiling fan, so shit’ll wind down after a while and she’ll get over it.
Good night, blu. Why don’t you go hit the town tonight with some friends to distract yourself.
Ah, nothing like a good old fashioned x-tian shunning is there? You people are at least consistent in this behavior. Deviation from orthodoxy will not be tolerated.
Yeah, I agree with you – I think it’s really outrageous how blu and friends have been treating Rebecca Watson, Ophelia Benson, and others.
Or wasn’t that what you meant?
Maria, get help.
Also, please familiarise yourself with the first rule of holes, and the Streisand effect. You are not doing yourself any favours.
I ♥♥♥ Ophelia! Keep posting 4ever!
There was a Maria Maltseva commenting on Hermant Mehta’s The Friendly Atheist the other day. For some reaosn she seemed to specifically target me.
She was inane and stupid there as well with an ability to miss the point that would be impressive if being so stupid was something to aspire to.
sorry tweet 128251830701522944 is too much for me
I don’t think that’s quite Wikia rules, but in any case your Facebook Connect account is not blocked. Note “E-mail new password” if you need it. That account is autoconfirmed and editing that page has always been possible for autoconfirmed users although it’s not implausible that you may have gotten the impression otherwise. Sincerely I would get lost if I were in your position but that’s just friendly advice you can ignore.
Just finished reading Maltseva P.I’s fantastic exposé of The Mystery of the Coffee in the Room and the Case of the Too Fast Elevator. I’m sure that details like the speed of the elevator, the height of the first floor, and the hypothesis that perhaps Rebecca was polite enough to not bolt out of the elevator while someone was talking to her did not escape our criminologist’s attention, even though they weren’t actually mentioned.
Now anxiously expecting the reveal that Elevator Guy was actually Old Man Withers, the roller coaster operator at the abandoned amusement park–although this won’t be communicated to me via Facebook, as I defriended her earlier today.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?!! Bluharmony is acting even crazier than before — back then she was making a small amount of reasonable points, and larding them up with totally ridiculous and gratuitous anti-feminist rhetoric. Now she’s just plain nuts, in a teenage-mean-girl-on-steroids sort of way. “As far as I know, nobody likes you, and you’re banned from every respectable blog?” Seriously? And threatening lawsuits to boot? This bitch is sounding like she should team up with Orly Taitz.
“Ophelia’s brilliant Rebecca bashing?” When did Ophelia bash Rebecca? Can’t you even get your petty girl-fights straight?
But there’s still no need to use gendered insults..
I don’t have a job right now, so if it makes you feel better to think it’s just my jobless envious bitterness that causes me to think you’re an anti-feminist froot loops idiot who’s too stupid to understand that if you post things using a pseudonym that’s easily traceable to your real life name, there will be real life consequences, then go right ahead. Clearly you need all the help you can get in managing your mental states.
Nothing worse than a person who steals insults without understanding what they really mean.
I’m not sure about asking this because there is the possibility that you have some mental health issues, but are you 14?
Ok, I’ve clearly missed some of the drama behind the scenes. Is someone really arguing that
1. Rebecca fabricated a story about being propositioned in an elevator? (note, this is something that happens all the fricken time, especially to younger women)
2. That Rebecca then made only a passing mention of this fabricated story in a video, moved on with her life until receiving death and rape threats and then put her nefarious plot into action
3. Nefarious plot (as yet undefined, as far as I can tell) succeeded
4. Profit?
I dunno it’s like the underwear elves of south park. This conspiracy theory needs a good shave with occam’s razor