I am ROFLOLing so bad I can barely operate the computer to post this video

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Ahahahahhhaaaaa … snort … OMG … as it were….




Hat tip: RTOL

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14 thoughts on “I am ROFLOLing so bad I can barely operate the computer to post this video

  1. It isn’t satire. But people seem to love the Jesus-Ween.

    I do feel slightly bad for them because they clearly have no idea how silly this is.

  2. As I said in my atheist knitting group:

    For a religion with a notorious reputation for allowing their leaders to stick their “ween” where it doesn’t belong, it’s somewhat inexplicable that they opted for “Jesusween” instead “Jususeen” as in “All halloW’s eve” = Halloween and “Jesus Eve” = Jesus’een.

  3. Really, what is the christian issue with all saints day that they made up and then dumped on samhain? Decided it didn’t work well enough, or what? I suppose it is similar to the issue some have with xmas not co-opting other pagan/secular celebrations as much as they would like. Or like easter, for which nearly no-one even uses the christian name. So sad.

  4. I think “weening” people off Jesus is a stellar idea. Hip, hip hurray for the Jesus-weenees! I guess that makes me a Jesus weener! (As for me and my house, we will serve the lard.)

    Peeing my pants, laughing at the endless possibilities.

    (Where does America find these idiots, and how do we stop them from breeding?)

  5. Grew up in Texas. Not that fringy when I was young and plenty progressive. Strange Demise of Jim Crow and all that. We were all about space, industry, educating women, and shit like that. Then the 80’s came. All the progressive stuff was still happening, but we had Hell Houses far more extreme than JesusWeen, and somehow we voted for W over incumbent Ann Richards in 1994.

    Texas let America down in 1994. Sorry we screwed you over. If W lost in 94 he would have faded back to the nobody he always was.

    If I had known what would happen I would have done more to stop W. Richards had beat Claytie twice and we all figured she could take W.

  6. Every dentist in the nation should support this. For once they’ll be able to give out toothbrushes and travel size toothpaste without fear of recrimination via toilet paper and eggs.

  7. From the website:

    Being a day that is widely acceptable to solicit and knock on doors, God inspired us to encourage Christians to use this day as an opportunity to spread the gospel.

    Right, because proselytizing other people’s children is the same thing as giving them candy.

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