Donations needed for SlutWalk Minneapolis- ALMOST THERE! 🙂
We really need your help.
We have $1,742 in donations right now, and that means we have paid the permit for the Park Board. YES!
We have an additional invoice of $402 for the rentals for the road barriers for the Walk. The total is $2,137. We are only $395 away from paying for the Walk. So close, we can hardly stand it!
Please help. Your donations are tax deductible. We have over 600 Walkers signed up. If each of you donated just $5, we’d have the permit paid, any other extra fees, including the rental for the PA system and the road barriers, and money left over for donations to MN NOW and Alexandra House.
We know you’re Walking because this is really important to you. You’re a survivor or you are supportive of a survivor or you feel that the Rape Culture needs to be changed and sexual violence against people is never OK.
Please donate, ask your friends to donate, link this to your social media sites, tweet it….get the word out.
Other SlutWalks had to raise their funds as well, and they were successful. We know that the Twin Cities and all of Minnesota can do this.Our donate button is just below. Please donate. Please ask others. Remember, you’re doing this for yourself, for someone you love and care about, for someone you don’t even know who appreciates your support and care. Thanks for donating!