A deputy attorney General of Indiana, responded to a tweet indicating that Wisconsin demonstrators might be swept out of the capitol building by police with this: “Use live ammunition.” Adam Weinstein, the original tweeter of the news from the Capitol building, who happens to be a journalist, writes:
From my own Twitter account, I confronted the user, JCCentCom. He tweeted back that the demonstrators were “political enemies” and “thugs” who were “physically threatening legally elected officials.” In response to such behavior, he said, “You’re damned right I advocate deadly force.” He later called me a “typical leftist,” adding, “liberals hate police.”
Later, Weinstein determined that the violent misanthropic tweeter was none other than Jeff Cox, Deputy Attorney General at Office of the Indiana Attorney General, and former comedy writer and editor with Sun Features.
Not funny, Jeff.
It’s a shame that the word “fascist” has lost its true meaning through reckless overuse. This creature would be a perfect literal example.
looks like Indiana is just the place for Khadafi to retire to. He’d make a great AG.
Rob Jase @ #2:
Emphasis on “former”.
*sniff* http://www.indystar.com/article/20110223/NEWS05/102230406/Indiana-attorney-general-fires-deputy-over-tweets-aimed-at-Wisconsin-protestors?odyssey=tab%7Cmostpopular%7Ctext%7CFRONTPAGE
Stephanie, I suppose it’s a good thing that some elected official still recognize some things as over the top. For now, anyway.