Holy Mother of Mary, it’s Jesus in a Rock!

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Lamont Ekker experienced what some people might consider a Thanksgiving miracle when he cut through a 15-pound chunk of sandstone at his Torrey rock shop last week.

Ekker cuts and polishes rocks at his shop, Jurassic Rocks, to expose interesting internal patterns and striations. Three days before Thanksgiving, he was “baking” in his oven some rocks he picked up that day in a quarry near Teasdale in southern Utah. The heat causes the iron in the yellow sandstone to oxidize, turning it a brilliant orangish red.

“When I took those pieces out of the oven, I saw this one had turned into what it is,”

Read the rest here

Hat Tip: H. Harpending

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10 thoughts on “Holy Mother of Mary, it’s Jesus in a Rock!

  1. Gandalf was my first thought as well, but the image does remind me of God from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, when they get the quest.

  2. And it took nine comments for the dog-botherer to turnup. Their reaction time is slowing down.

    It is, obviously, Ronnie Drew, who used to sing with “The Dubliners”. Mind you, this is him in his 1960’s incarnation.

    Alternatively, it is an Orang-Utan. Jesus, my arse!

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