Palin Bachmann 2012

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16 thoughts on “Palin Bachmann 2012

  1. Hell yeah! Catfights on the campaign trail and you’ve got to be a retard to vote for them. It’s the best thing that could happen to the Dumbocratic party’s election aspirations. Of course if they won I’d have to move away – and Canada wouldn’t be far enough.

  2. And just yesterday I saw the ad for Palin’s reality show where she said she would much rather be in the outdoors than in “some stuffy political office in Washington”. She’s a walking box of contradictions.

  3. IMHO at some point, and the prospect of this being true, much less their winning, is getting close, you have to just lay back and “embrace the horror”.

    Things to look forward to: The Teabaggers and theocrats take over, gut the social contract, declare the US to be a wholly owned subsidiary of a consortium made up of Microsoft, Citibank and Exxon, and declare that the value of pi is exactly 3, as Biblically mandated. Then things get really weird.

  4. One of the vendors on is offering an appropriate bumper sticker:

    Palin Bachman 2012
    Because we’re not stupid enough.

  5. Is our country seriously aiming to fail? Reflecting on our countryâ??s current situation and the latest election, I would say that we are in need of a stable, focused, and qualified leader. Iâ??m all for a women being elected however I wouldnâ??t want this process to be sped up, if the end result is failure. When McCain and Palin ran together, Palin made a fool of herself, expressed stupidity, and seemed unaware of Americaâ??s needs. After the election, Palin was a media grabber. In my opinion, she was in politics more for the fame than the responsibility. Looking ahead to the future, Iâ??d be very afraid if Palin were a candidate; America might fall below our lowest point. What has happened to the truthful, fair, non-greedy campaigns and politicians? The children are the future, and if we are promoting this type of government and politicians, just imagine who else might take power in the future. There is a lot more at risk than just a 4-8 year term.

  6. I don’t think the Republicans could be this stupid. But if they are, GREAT! When they put Palin and Bachmann on the ticket, the independents will desert them in droves (Palin has a 36% approval rating amongst likely voters – that’s pretty much party lines, and means she’s got ZERO independent support).

    As long as Obama and Biden don’t look like they’re kicking a cripple in the debates and campaign ads and generate a sympathy vote for the Idiot Twins, then this is full of wonderful win for Progressives and might finally be bruising enough for Palin to shut the hell up and maybe lose Bachmann her seat in 2012 – she can’t run for the House and the VP at the same time, right?

    Don’t forget, running for President actually means they have to talk to national press, not just local conservative rags and Fox News. As widely spread as these two morons are now, think how bad it will make them look when it’s a Presidential election?

    The one reason I’m not worried about 2010 (sad, but not worried) is that none of the policies advocated by the Freshmen Senators and Congressmen, especially those from the Tea Party anointed, will work. They’ll have to run again in 2 years but have ZERO accomplishments to call on, and their base will be pissed because none of them will be any better off, and they can’t do what they promised to do (like repeal health care reform or de-fund the Dept of Education or the NEA), because the D’s still control the Senate and the White House.

    The Tea Party ‘victory’ cost the Republicans the control of the Senate in 2010 (which all odds say they would have won without the Teabagger influence) and set them up for failure in 2012 and I couldn’t be happier. Politics is chess, not checkers, and the Tea Party have shown they’re not ready for prime time. Two years of screwing everything up won’t be forgotten by the voters anytime soon.

  7. Well, my nightmare scenario is that the 2010 is the high water mark for the teabaggers, the republicans realise it’s time to stop appearing like total lunatics, pick someone only half-insane to run against Obama in 2012, and win.

  8. Greg,

    In the black and white world in which we live, Metropolis and Gotham City serving as excellent examples, the goods buys are always good and pure and wholesome. Ok, Ill admit maybe a good guy will cuss occasionally or maybe have a beer, but other than being human good guys are well good. Conversely, bad guys are the epitome of evil, their motivation for every decision made is to bring despair and violence to the good guys. There is nothing good in the bad guys and nothing bad in the good guys. EVER! How could you not realize this? I suggest you go back to your collection of DC or Marvel comic books and learn how people behave and the world works.

    (BTW. I was not trying to be sexist (Im a good guy, I can tell from my hat color). Everyone knows that good girls are cooking up a fine dinner for their good guy man, bad girls are dressed inappropriately and having abortions.)

  9. Oddities abound, my comment #12 was supposed to be on the “Djagechyer Deer?” thread. It was a counterpoint to Gord. Sigh, now I look like an idiotic asshole instead of simply an asshole.

  10. If it even gets to the stage of serious consideration within the Redumblicans, then Barrark Obama is a shoo-in for the second term.

    The only problem is that, even here in Prague, it would mean months of relentless hockey momming and mama grizzlying(are either of them real words?), and my brain would explode.

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