This Blog Refudiates Sarah Palin

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The Twittersphere erupted Sunday when former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin tweeted that “peaceful Muslims” should “refudiate” the mosque being built in New York City near where the Twin Towers once stood. Palin found herself the butt of many tweets, as refudiate, of course, is not a word in the English language.

After deleting the offending tweet, Palin replaced it with another calling on “peaceful New Yorkers” to “refute the Ground Zero mosque plan,” which only added to the confusion because it would appear the word she was looking for was “repudiate.” Then came the kicker: To quell the vicious Twitter-ribbing she was receiving, Palin unleashed yet another tweet comparing herself to no less than the Bard of Avon.


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11 thoughts on “This Blog Refudiates Sarah Palin

  1. Well, GWB used to make up words all the time. Part of his strategery, dontcha know. And he was the best* president since Reagan!

    If it was good enough for GWB, it’s good enough for Sarah. Betcha can’t refudiate that!

    *For certain definitions of “best” – such as are popular in Cheney/Rove/Palin bizarro-world.

  2. My contribution to #ShakesPalin:

    Two loves I have of comfort and despair,
    Which like two spirits do suggest me still:
    The better belief does abstinence fare,
    The worser daughter without the pill.

  3. “peaceful Muslims” should refudiate Palin and open a mosque in Wasilla. And Sarah is to Shakespeare as like hot is to cold. What a moran she is.

  4. Yes, Republican party – please nominate Sarah Palin to run for president of the US in 2012. We need the entertainment.

  5. It never ceases to amaze that such a cartoonish character is paid such attention in American politics.

    NewEnglandBob, I share that sentiment, fervently.

  6. “Then came the kicker: To quell the vicious Twitter-ribbing she was receiving, Palin unleashed yet another tweet comparing herself to no less than the Bard of Avon”

    Let’s see: butchering the English language, comparing yourself to a genius… Didn’t know Palin like trolling.

  7. Dang it! That should be “liked”. And here I am talking about other people using incorrect spelling.

  8. Twitter. The perfect medium for her. To paraphrase your buddy Shakespeare “Sarah, thy name is Twit.”

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