Sorry, Catholic Church, Imma let you keep being holy and all, but first ….

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… you are going to have to take a century or two of snark from us atheists. Like this:

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13 thoughts on “Sorry, Catholic Church, Imma let you keep being holy and all, but first ….

  1. Well, that was funny enough, alright, but National Banana needs to get a new announcer. Who the hell says ‘bah-nahn-ahh’? It’s ‘bu-nan-uhh’, dammit! Each of the three A’s, all in the same context, must have a different sound, or it wouldn’t be the ‘merikan language, would it? Mustn’t make it too easy for all them foreigners to pick up our lingo.

  2. Well, I thought it was somewhat funny. Though obviously we do need to work with the material some more.

    There’s a catholic church about a mile from my home : St William the Abbot. Whenever I pass it I read the sign as St William the Paedophile.

  3. What’s funny is that the video is from March 2008, way before the current sex abuse scandal. Before that it was the Boston Archdiocese scandal and nobody cared. Before that it was condoms in Africa and nobody cared. etc.

  4. “Too low class. I didn’t find it funny either.”

    Hey man, why don’t you tell the child fucking priests they are low class instead complaining about a spot on video?
    You want low class – check out the present pope and his no behind left policies.

  5. A side note here: The mass media is unanimous in declaring Joseph Ratzinger as immune from prosecution due to his position as head of state.

    Saddam Hussein was head of state, and look what happened to him.

    Nations around the world should be rushing to prosecute these monsters for their crimes.

    Spread the word.

  6. WTFWJD, I don’t think being the head of state makes you immune from prosecution for conspiracy to global child rape, either, but I wouldn’t use the illegal occupation of Iraq, the wanton slaughter of the Iraqi people, and the deposing of Saddam Hussein for the ‘crime’ of not surrendering his country’s oil to American corporations as an example of prosecuting criminals.

  7. There’s also Manuel Noriega, Slobodan Milosevich, and Augusto Pinochet just off the top of my head. Pinochet was long out of office when proceedings started – problematical for trying a pope as he is in office for life – but if you go back far enough I’m sure precedent could be found for trying and even hanging dead defendants.

    Wikipedia has a short writeup on immunity from prosecution, suggests that immunity isn’t as absolute as it used to be.

    Also, all or most of the Pope’s actions which might be construed as criminal conspiracy occurred before he was head of state, although was acting on behalf of the state.

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