Ed on Limbaugh inre Haiti

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7 thoughts on “Ed on Limbaugh inre Haiti

  1. Delivering food and water, rebuilding infrastructure, helping people… no matter what your politics are, these are activities of the US military that we can all support. Um… except Rush, who only likes it when the military is used to kill people. I guess any other usage is a waste of their time and talents.

  2. Rush’s support for the troops is conditional on who sends them. If a republican had ordered them into Haiti, he would have been all for it.

  3. Rush would still hate the fact that US troops are helping French speaking black people in another country. But if it was a Republican president sending them in, he would express sorrow that the president had to do this and blame the UN and the bleeding heart Democrats in congress.

  4. Someone might also like to mention that the security of the US is directly related to the security and prosperity of the region. Therefore, assisting a regional country in need to avoid a humanitarian crisis getting worse and potentially involving mass migration and refugees etc, is a pretty reasonable use of the military.

  5. Someone should ALSO mention that this is not Rush Limbaugh the talk show entertainer making these outrageous claims. It is the philosophical leader of the far right wing and what remains of the Republican Party. This is the man that can tell the elected head of the party what to do, what to say, and when to shut up.

    When Rush Limbaugh says we should let the people of Haiti die that is the same thing as the Republican Party saying that we should let the people of Haiti die.

  6. I know it’s missing the point, but I should mention that the $1,000,000,000 per 1,000 soldiers figure includes the cost of sending over the 7-12 support staff for each combat soldier. You can see how that would add up.

    Seeing as the troops being deployed to Haiti basically are support staff (moving goods, doing security, etc), the cost will be much, much lower.

    Plus, yeah, idiocy.

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