New Homeopathic Substance

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This remedy makes you silly and giggly. It makes you get “high” and you tell silly stories. It also makes you really thirsty and causes some food yearnings. It also causes erotic talk and behavior.

Here’s how you make it:

1) Get a really really strong telescope.

2) Point the telescope at Saturn, the planet.

3) Aim the rays coming from Saturn at some powdered milk.

4) Scrape the milk powder on the person you wish to treat.

More info here.

Hat Tip: Claudia Sawyer.

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15 thoughts on “New Homeopathic Substance

  1. for a second there, I thought you were talking about either a new species of flora, or alternatively a manufacturing plant for Saturns (do such things even exist anymore?)

  2. I can’t tell you how much I love that link.
    It could be because I’m a little drunk and found out that an otherwise reasonable friend may have used some homeopathic remedies.
    Oh, the torture that I will inflict on him.
    I wonder if Patricia Maher is related to Bill? Could explain some of his woo leanings.

  3. Aargh! I went to the site! The Stupid! It Burns!!!!111!!!

    Thanks – now I got woo in the brain, and have to read some solid science, maybe Phil Plait, to make up for that. “Planetary light” – seriously? Reflected light off a planet picks up…what, exactly?

    Rowlf – sorry, I couldn’t keep it down. I’ve got woo on the carpet.

  4. I’ll wait for the update where it’s discovered that Patricia Maher’s boyfriend accidentally took a baggy of powdered milk to the rave.

  5. I couldn’t read the site, the burning was too great.

    I would think, however, that diarrhea would be one possible outcome for the lactose intolerant. “Wow, man, really spacy -” SPLAT

  6. That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve seen in a long long time.

    What kind of other pseudo-scientific & magic mash-ups can we expect next?

    Faith healing chiropractioners?
    Acupuncture while rune reading?
    Tarot and tiger penis remedies?

  7. Wait…WHAT???

    I could actually feel pieces of my (admittedly fragile) sanity breaking off as I read that.



  8. So, let me get this straight; they took powdered milk, ground it up (had to look up trituration for that), and afterwards they felt itchy?

    Who would’ve guessed?

  9. I would hope no person honestly believes this crap, but, at the same time, I would expect no less from the credulous, gullible, and uneducated.

  10. I’m imagining what it would be like if they ticturated some CO2…probably have a bummer and total their karma in the process.
    I’ll stick with the old standbyes; nitrous and shrooms.

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