I Heart Barney Frank

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Barny Frank Schools a Teabagger. Ouch ouch ouch ouch. Ahhhhhh…..

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0 thoughts on “I Heart Barney Frank

  1. I’ll steal from FARK: last week they had a story about a ballplayer who took a hard ball to the groin; it was sports news because the guy doesn’t wear a protective cup. The headline was:


    That response should leave a mark on her: it won’t, it will be turned into “evidence” that the democrats are trying to hid some evil plan.

    Still it was fun to watch, and it should happen more often.

  2. At the very least, it’s a good history lesson for the teabagger. Comparing a public figure who is (a) Jewish, (b) gay, and (c) politically liberal to a Nazi is already a TRIPLE EPIC FAIL, with special bonus FAIL points if that person is Barney Frank. Well done, Barney!

    I hope Frank’s response will encourage other Democratic members of Congress to grow equally strong backbones. Hell, even Bob Inglis, a conservative Republican, told his constituents to turn off Glenn Beck. Maybe there’s at least a faint glimmer of hope in sight.

  3. i still don’t understand why some people think trying to take care of everyones health is equivalent to genocide.

    Obama as hitler?

    i mean, WTF?


  4. “Trying to argue with you is like trying to argue with the dining room table!” Priceless! I’ll remember this for the next debate with a creationist!

  5. I can only hope that more targets of such highly misinformed and deluded vitriol will take their cue from Rep. Frank and simply refuse to argue with someone who is so far removed from reality.

  6. these dissenters really ought to sit back and think about what would happen if Obama really WAS like hitler.

    in the middle of the night, the police would bust down their door and take them away for opposing the regime. maybe take their families too. then they would disappear.

    freedom is nice.

  7. i still don’t understand why some people think trying to take care of everyones health is equivalent to genocide.

    They don’t. They react it.

  8. At this point these teabaggers should show up with a video loop of Glenn Beck to make their arguments. The debate would likely be at least as productive.

  9. Applause to Representative Frank indeed — but not for the insult, but for the bow to the First Amendment.

  10. Congressmen Frank rocks so hard sometimes it is difficult to even put it on a scale. But it is close to “Disaster Area” of “Hitchhikers guide” fame.

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