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0 thoughts on “Was Barack Hussein Obama born again? and again?”
Answer: Yes. Barack Obama is a legend – no mere mortal, but an immortal among men. The birthers have no idea who they are messing with! 🙂 If ORLY Taitz thinks the brownshirts were a force to be reckoned with, I think we can safely say her head will explode by 2012, the year of the True (Mayan) Armageddon (not this Jesusy comeback BS). They should be finding his Indonesian birth certificate about now in the fake wall of a madrasa.
Answer: Yes. Barack Obama is a legend – no mere mortal, but an immortal among men. The birthers have no idea who they are messing with! 🙂 If ORLY Taitz thinks the brownshirts were a force to be reckoned with, I think we can safely say her head will explode by 2012, the year of the True (Mayan) Armageddon (not this Jesusy comeback BS). They should be finding his Indonesian birth certificate about now in the fake wall of a madrasa.
He sure looks young for a guy born in 1861. As a matter of fact, I didn’t even know that there were hospitals in Hawai’i in 1861.