Help Facebook To Not Abuse You

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Carl Zimmer tells us:

Facebook lets 3rd party advertisers use your posted photos without your permission. To opt out: Click on SETTINGS (located on top of page in blue bar, next to logout); Select PRIVACY SETTINGS; Select NEWS FEEDS and WALL; Select the TAB that reads Facebook Ads. There will be a drop down box; Select NO ONE. Save your changes & then pass this on. [Thanks to Virginia Postrel]

ADDED: You may need to turn off ad blocking to make this w

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16 thoughts on “Help Facebook To Not Abuse You

  1. This doesn’t work under Firefox 3.5.1. The page didn’t have a dropdown list, at least not for me.

  2. eric – Me either – but when I went in through SeaMonkey, I got there. It still didn’t provide a droplist, but when you click on it the option shows up…

  3. @ Greg: It seems that the browser matters if ad-blocking is enabled. I run FF 3.0 with AdBlockPlus and I needed to turn if off to check the Facebook Ads settings.

  4. As is often the case with Snopes, they misrepresent the falseosity of the issue at hand. Facebook operates in such a way that your photos from your facebook page can be used in an advert that other people see. It is probably true that the above quoted (from Zimmer) statement needs to be modified to be more accurate, but it is not true that this is false … it is not true that facebook uses your photos in ads, and it IS true (as acknowledged by snopes) that this can be turned off.

    Sorry for being a skeptic of snopes style skepticism, but that’s how I roll. Or, actually, role.

  5. I don’t think this is very new, actually. I’ve always been very careful with my security settigns in FB, since I signed up about 9 months ago. I can assure you that settings been there for at leased 3 months.

  6. There aren’t any settings on there for me, or it doesn’t come up with any. It just gives me the error message saying that it isn’t true…

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