Obama Re-Education Camps Worry Bachmann

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… so, I’m guessing that the “Re-Education Camps” .. also known as AmericCorps … are a good idea.

This concern on the part of Wackaloon Congresswoman Bachmann (WCB) is is probably valid, to the extent that AmericCorps is in any way educational. Education is always bad for Republicans. This is why in the late days of the Bush Administration and the ultra dumbed down Palin-McCain campaign, high-IQ Republicans were running away from the party. This is why Republicans push for teaching bad science in the schools. This is why … oh, never mind, I’m sure you totally get it.

Anyway, here is a piece in the Star Tribune regarding Bachmann and her wacka-wacka-loonery regarding AmeriCorps.

Rep. Michele Bachmann has appeared on various broadcasts with dire warnings about the program: “The real concern is that there are provisions for what I would call reeducation camps for young people, where young people have to go and get trained in a philosophy that the government puts forward and then they have to go to work in some of these politically correct forums,” the Republican said. “It is a dream come true for people who want to transform our country from a free-market economy to a centralized, government-planned economy.”

I’ve had experience with a group like this once. I was sitting in a plaza in Havana many years ago when a kid in the obligatory Communist Party red neckerchief walked up and told me to get my feet off the park bench. I didn’t like it one bit. So I decided to see if I could uncover some subversives currently working in Minnesota’s AmeriCorps underbelly to see what they were up to.

She had her feet on the park bench!?!!? Hey, Michele, when you travel to foreign lands, you really ought to recognize that things might be different there, and it is not your place to make up new rules for the locals, or to come back home and ridicule the people you visit. Get a brain. Maybe go take an anthropology course. But not mine, please.

Anyway, go read Jon Tevlin’s column in the STRIB.

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0 thoughts on “Obama Re-Education Camps Worry Bachmann

  1. “”The real concern is that there are provisions for what I would call reeducation camps for young people, where young people have to go and get trained in a philosophy that the government puts forward and then they have to go to work in some of these politically correct forums,”

    You mean like the ROTC?

  2. Grandma Pam is 63, . . . seized an opportunity through an AmeriCorps program that teaches reading to kids who have fallen behind.

    Of course Bachmann is worried. The last thing the Republicans (the ones that are left) want is a population that can read.

    Just to be fair, the article did note two ‘mainstream Republicans’, one of whom said:

    “My concern is these ludicrous comments play to the worst aspects of those who are more interested in fear-mongering than moving our country forward,” Horner said. “It would be horribly short-sighted to not be enthusiastically in favor of programs like this. As a Republican who favors a focused and limited government, I think AmeriCorps is a great value.”

    But how many times do you hear a Republican saying things like this, i.e. thoughtful and reasonable?

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  4. But how many times do you hear a Republican saying things like this, i.e. thoughtful and reasonable?

    How likely do you think a Republican is to speak up openly around here, when the usual discourse consists of calling them names, implying they should be shot, & etc? Nor, I suspect, are you likely to go to a place where they are holding reasonable discussions (sample bias, anyone?). If you you don’t seek out the reasonable discussions, you’ll end up at their equivalent of here. And what will you think of them after that?

    Look, it’s your hangout, and your rules. I don’t want to spoil your fun. I’m just saying that there might be an alternate explanation of why you don’t see many thoughtful and reasonable Republics saying things. Since this is scienceblogs and all.

    ‘high-IQ Republicans’ is an oxymoron.

    I seem to recall one Bill Buckley. You didn’t have to like him to see that he had a full load of marbles and then some.

    Look, this is scienceblogs, right? Have a look over here. A bunch of Democrats and a bunch of Republicans took some tests. Some were stupid, some were middling, some were really smart. You’ll be pleased to note that the Democrats have been getting smarter than the Republicans in recent years, if this data is any good. One explanation of that might be that the smarter Republicans have been crossing over. However, you will note that there are still enough smart Republics left that “oxymoron” won’t work.

  5. Everywhere I typed “Republics”, pleased substitute “Republicans” and forgive my fingers for their misbehavior.

    Oh, how I wish I could get it right the first time. Just once.

  6. You’ve misquoted your link and taken an unfair shot at Bachmann. Take another look at the article – you’ve missed a blockquote boundary. The second paragraph is a joke from the author of the article.

  7. Wayne Conrad:

    Check out rule number 5 in Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals:

    “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)

    The insults that these liberal bloggers are levying are nothing more than intimidation tactics that seek to steer any conservative dissent into silence. If these posters were true intellectuals, they would base their opinions on the strength of their arguments as opposed to name-calling and methods of intimidation.

  8. Hypocee: No, I have not. I’ve quoted from a piece in the star tribune which in turn includes a quote, which is signified by … quotation marks. Although I admit, when dealing with Michele Bachmann, it is hard to know where the jokes start and where the jokes end.

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