If you have a Google gmail or Google docs account, do make sure to visit your account today and have a look around. Then log out. And keep your eye’s open.
I’m just sayin’ …
In Search of Sungudogo by Greg Laden, now in
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and while you’re at it, have a look at Youtube 😉
YouTube is boring today. Google’s is FAR more fun.
What is YouTube?
I for one, would love to see my ‘puter and a certain someone else’s get into it…I actually fell asleep last night chuckling about that notion.
I wonder how quickly such a back and forth would degenerate…
I’ll have to wait for v2.0. This one doesn’t advertise that it supports nonsense.
Not nonsense Stephanie, a very sensitive, caring being – dare I say – Soul. One that has, unfortunately chosen to stop communicating with us carbon type people – at least for the moment.