I have unsubscribed from Human Events

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Human Events is a right wing email newsletter and magazine/publishing thingie that regularly spews out the puss produced by such notable festering sores on the asscrack of humanity known as Anne Coulter and Pat Buchanan, with frequent contributions by Chuck Norris and others. I used to subscribe in order to keep an eye on them.

But now that they have been rendered utterly irrelevant (and will soon be joining David Duke in the new party to replace the Republican Party, which in turn was totally ruined by being led by a black guy), I’ve stopped paying attention.

That is all.

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0 thoughts on “I have unsubscribed from Human Events

  1. “notable festering sores on the asscrack of humanity known as Anne Coulter and Pat Buchanan,”

    THERE’s a mental picture that’s going to give me nightmares. What did I ever do to you?

  2. s/spews out the puss/spews out the pus/

    Unless, of course, you meant that they’re always having kittens.

  3. How did you ever end up subscribed to Human Events in the first place? I mean, I remember that piece of doodleswap(yeah, I made up that word) back in the 1960’s when my hair wasn’t gray. It was laughable then(jeez — Saudi Arabia of all places was supposedly “60% Communist dominated”). And it’s laughable now. Glad you unsubscribed, though.
    Anne G

  4. I personally get their updates, sometimes to get ideas for blog posts. Buchanan says some really off-the-wall things, but at other times he is pretty insightful. Most of the time he sucks.

    Newt Gingrich, though, he’s a sad commentary on the state of conservative thought. Today’s was especially egregious, saying that Obama is telling young enterpreneurs that they shouldn’t go into business because the government doesn’t like it when they git rich.

  5. Why the hell does anyone take Chuck Norris seriously?
    It’s as if right-wingers say “He’s famous…and he agrees with me! He’s brilliant!”
    They take known imbeciles like Norris and Nugent as gospel, then dismiss people like Rollins, who actually is intelligent and well read, as “Just some famous guy that doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”
    It’s a damned shame cognitive dissonance doesn’t generate energy. If it did the sun could go out and we’d never suffer for it. They’d still blame it on Obama. “First Black President puts out the sun as part of socialist Nazi conspiracy!”

  6. I only recently learned that Chuck Norris is such a conservative nut. I can’t decide if that makes Chuck Norris more or less funny.

  7. One good thing about human events is that they don’t have the ‘you must join as a member to comment’ mentality and as long as you don’t use cuss words, you can comment to the right-wing pinheads any way you want. I find it amazing how easy it is to rile them and how clueless they are. Winning an argument with a left-wing response is always assured.

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